

Sanders foresaw Panama Papers fiasco

While Clinton backed 2011 Trade Deal, Sanders foresaw Panama Papers fiasco ‘Panama is a world leader when it comes to allowing wealthy Americans and large corporations to evade US taxes,’ Sanders told Congress in 2011. by Lauren McCauley, staff writer…

China’s factory workers fight to protect basic labour rights

At a time when some senior government officials are advocating reform of the Labour Contract Law so as to make life even easier for business owners, China’s factory workers are fighting a rear-guard action to ensure that their basic labour…

“Rogue Six” facing investigation by Chinese authorities

The MV Steve Irwin is anchored in the fog outside Hong Kong as the sea-based component of Operation Driftnet comes to a close. Operation Driftnet was launched to shut down the “Rogue Six”, a fleet of illegal driftnet vessels operating…

World military spending resumes upward course, says SIPRI

World military expenditure totalled almost $1.7 trillion in 2015, an increase of 1 per cent in real terms from 2014, according to new figures from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The data is being released to coincide with…

Panama Papers’ reporters explain how the biggest leak in data journalism’s history materialized

Hundreds of journalists around the world pored over the 11.5 million files leaked last year by an anonymous source that reveal how the rich and powerful in numerous countries use tax havens to hide their wealth. The files were leaked…

What did the hippies do for us? Corbyn at Glastonbury

Glastonbury Festival is a yearly UK five-day festival of contemporary performing arts that takes place in a farm (mud, lots of mud!) near Somerset in June. In addition to contemporary music, the festival hosts dance, comedy, theatre, circus, cabaret, and…

Daughter follows father to pacify Jammu Kashmir

A grassroot’s champion with high popularity, Mehbooba Mufti turned the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) into a regional force to follow on from her illustrious father Mufti Mohammad Sayeed to head Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), as the first woman Chief Minister…

Obama’s nuclear summit – it wasn’t…

Obama gathered ‘world leaders’ in Washington this past week to once again attempt to justify his ‘Nobel Peace Prize’.  He failed.  (In the final group photo Kiev’s Petro Poroshenko is standing behind Obama.  He grabbed $335 million in US military…

Reflections from Fukushima

Marcus Atkinson, international coordinator of Footprints for Peace, a global community dedicated to creating change through peaceful action, has organised numerous events in Australia and elsewhere to highlight the dangers of nuclear technology, both military and civilian.  He has recently…

April 4th: anniversary of assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. studied the writings of Mahatma Gandhi during his student days, and realised that Gandhi’s methods of non-violent resistance were the correct tools to use to gain civil rights for poor minorities. To those who accused him…

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