

China: activists get years of prison for supporting HK’s Occupy protests

On April 8, 2016, reporter Karen Cheung writing on Hong Kong Free Press (HKFP) website announced the jailing of four Guangzhou (just over the border from Hong Kong-Shenzhen) activists facing jail terms for inciting subversion of state power. All they…

Bangladesh’s freedoms under attack

“This week, another humanist blogger in Bangladesh, law student Nazimuddin Samad, was killed on the streets of Dhaka by religious extremists for daring to criticize harmful religious beliefs, stand up for the rights of religious minorities, and promote a secular…

Iran urges that the non-proliferation norm should be applied globally and without exception

Iranian representative to the UN says a step-by-step approach to achieve nuclear disarmament has failed; a comprehensive nuclear convention is needed to reach the desired state of a world free of nuclear weapons.  The full text of the statement by Gholamhossein…

Postcard from the Philippines

Lantau Island resident Christopher Mercer, British, flew in to the Philippines to bring back to Hong Kong his couple Blaesy Amar, and their children Jacob and Jude. He tells of his journey, starting on arrival at Kalibo airport in Antique…

Saving Capitalism or Getting Rid of It?

What kind of change socialists should be fighting for? Danny Katch, author of Socialism… Seriously: A Brief Guide to Human Liberation, makes some proposals in his review of a book from a different part of the left: Saving Capitalism: For…

Human – a film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand

 What is it that makes us human? Is it that we love, that we fight? That we laugh? Cry? Our curiosity? The quest for discovery? Driven by these questions, filmmaker and artist Yann Arthus-Bertrand spent three years collecting real-life stories from…

Panamaleaks: let’s start with Iceland!

The Prime Minister of Iceland was, like a sunken ship, scuttled through Panamaleaks because, for the Western financial system, he was far more dangerous than even Russia’s Putin. Yes, I hear you, however, as the late Italian premier Giulio Andreotti, used to…

Ending human violence is a task for each of us

Do you think that ending human violence is impossible? Do you believe that even aiming to do so is unrealistic? Well, you might be right. But you might also be interested to know that there are a lot of people…

Brazil, musical impeachments and the Panama Papers

Brazilian House Speaker Eduardo Cunha, who is behind the ferocious campaign to impeach President Dilma Rousseff, has himself been found to be under suspicion that he carried out shady deals in the past. He is named in the Panama Papers…

Alice Slater ‘Sitting ducks: Dangerous & dumb to keep building nuclear power plants’

Alice Slater’s interview with just before the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, USA.  The transcript is below. “One doesn’t need nukes to attack a nuclear power plant,” says Alice Slater from the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. “A simple explosive…

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