

Soros spreading mis-information on China, why?

Is it worth reporting, as such as Bloomberg does, on comments made by billionaire investor (read speculator) George Soros who is saying China’s March credit-growth figures should be viewed as a warning sign? Soros was speaking at an Asia Society…

Live from Damascus: The Syrian election results

Live from Damascus: The Syrian Election Results By Ken Stone “Syria’s ruling Ba’ath Party and its allies have won the majority of the votes in the recent parliamentary elections in the country, official results show.  The Syrian electoral commission announced…

Will the Middle East Become ‘Uninhabitable’?

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* This is the first of a two-part series of reports focusing on the impact of climate change on the Middle East & North of Africa region, ahead of the signing ceremony of the Paris…

Deal with root causes of problems to break cycle of violence

Hong Kong citizen Kwan Wing-yi made an impassioned speech at a special Legislative Council meeting late February 2016 that was held to discuss retirement protection, as reported by Jason Y Ng writing for the South China Morning Post. The activist’s…

Exposed: Thai fishing boat slavery

If you buy prawns or shrimp, chances are, you are buying the produce of slave labour. Urge the UNHRC to Condemn Thai Fish Boat Slavery Sign The Petition Drear people, Innocent people in Thailand are being conned onto boats or…

Only the people should be able to keep or bring down Dilma and other politicians elected in Brazil

They want to bring Dilma down through an impeachment trial decided by federal deputies.  For us, as humanists, politicians don’t represent us.  This form of impeachment in which the people don’t decide is an institutional coup d’état, one power (legislative)…

A humanising look at the skin of monstrosity

Where does this article come from? I’d like to explain that this article is an editorial about the violent situation that Europe is experiencing at the moment with a particular and intentional perspective of wanting to understand from a humanising…

Panama papers: a haven for financial speculation

Recently, the amount of money that hidden in tax havens has come to light through the “Panama Papers”.  This money has been invested through “offshore” companies, a reference to the fact that the majority of these places are island countries. …

Ebru art and cultivating ‘musk’

We conducted a short interview with renowned Turkish Ebru artist Atilla Can about UNESCO’s celebration of his work, and appreciate his cooperation. Here my video about the three Ebru artists we have interviewed up to now [readers unfamiliar with Ebru can…

Basic Income: Voting for Freedom

This coming June 5th Switzerland is holding a constitutional referendum on whether to implement basic income policy. Swiss entrepreneur Daniel Häni and German author Philip Kovce have written a book to accompany the referendum. This book is now available in…

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