

UK Referendum: reject xenophobia and vote for solidarity and remain in the EU

In less than a week, the population of the United Kingdom will vote in a referendum to decide whether the country will REMAIN in or LEAVE the European Union.  The campaign has been bitterly fought with the governing Conservative Party,…

Feminism in Turkey: an interview with Denise Nanni

Milena Rampoldi of ProMosaik interviews Denise Nanni who, in 2014, wrote a thesis under the auspices of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication in Rome about the politics of female empowerment in the Muslim world, focussing on Turkey.…

CRISPR: The Editing of Human Genes

WORLD SCIENCE FESTIVAL 2016 presents Groundbreaking Discoveries to the Public – CRISPR: The Editing of Human Genes By Gabriela Jurosz-Landa Groundbreaking scientific discoveries have shaped the way we see the world. Nobody today will doubt, that the world is round;…

Brexit violence deeply rooted, with lessons for U.S.

On Thursday, in a political act more typical of the United States than Europe, a member of the British Parliament was murdered. She was an opponent of Brexit (Britain exiting the European Union), and her murderer reportedly shouted “Britain First!”…

‘Horrendous’: UK mourns after Labour Party MP Jo Cox killed by gunman

This post may be updated as new information becomes available… Details remain incomplete and unconfirmed, but some witness accounts suggest murder may have been politically motivated by Jon Queally, staff writer for Common Dreams British Labour Party MP Jo Cox…

We should be more Viking

If there was a lottery where the winner could choose place of birth today and if that winner had some sense they would very likely end up not as a U.S. billionaire’s child (much less a random U.S. child), but…

Group hug in rejection of homophobic deaths

At an event today in Quito, Ecuador, “A group hug in rejection of homophobic deaths,” our editor, Tony Robinson was asked to speak from a point of view of nonviolence. Sunday’s event in which LGBTI people are killed is nothing…

Majority want assault weapons ban, so why don’t dems filibuster for that?

Outrage over government inaction on gun control has reached a fever pitch days after the Orlando shooting massacre by Lauren McCauley, staff writer for Common Dreams Outrage over government inaction on gun control has reached a fever pitch days after…

The European Union is the worst choice – apart from the alternative

By George Monbiot for The Guardian The EU is a festering cesspool. But it’s a crystal spring compared with what the outers want to do – surrender Britain’s sovereignty to the United States What it’s about is not what it’s…

Hillary Clinton Wins in Washington, D.C. and Meets with Sanders

Hillary Clinton has won the final Democratic primary in Washington, D.C. Clinton met with rival Bernie Sanders for nearly two hours Tuesday night. In statements afterwards, the campaigns said they had agreed to work together on a “progressive agenda” for…

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