

Turkey and Israel to normalize ties again after six years

  Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım on Monday announced the signing of a Turkish Israeli deal to normalize relations between the two, after six years of ‘strained ties.’ Turkish and Israeli delegations on Sunday have met in Rome to finalize…

Making sense of Brexit: Paul Mason on Britain’s growing economic & political crisis

Democracy Now! interview to British journalist and political analyst Paul Mason.   Britain remains in a widening crisis days after voters chose to leave the European Union. British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced his resignation. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn…

After Brexit, European Left calls for ‘massive political opposition’

‘What Europe needs more than ever to avoid a slide into a xenophobic, deflationary, 1930s-like abyss’ by Nadia Prupis, staff writer for Common Dreams In the tumultuous aftermath of the UK’s vote to leave the EU, the European left is…

Brexit: a cry of pain by the world’s working people

Rabbi Lerner’s Introduction to Brexit – Tikkun and the Network of Spiritual Progressives  The vote by a majority in the UK to exit from the European Union is actually a cry of pain by the working people of Britain, and a…

Have a Chilcot Fourth of July

  This Fourth of July, U.S. war makers will be drinking fermented grain, grilling dead flesh, traumatizing veterans with colorful explosions, and thanking their lucky stars and campaign contributors that they don’t live in rotten old England. And I don’t…

UK: Act to Curb Xenophobic Attacks After Referendum

The authorities should take strong action to curb xenophobic attacks and abuse in the United Kingdom in the wake of last week’s European Union referendum, Human Rights Watch said today. Individuals from minority ethnic and religious groups and people of…

Video conference for campus and community organizers (June 2016)

Electronic Frontier Foundation Defending your rights in the digital world Video conference for campus and community organizers (June 2016)   Are you part of a campus or community organization concerned about digital rights? If not, do you want to raise…

Puerto Ricans mount historic decolonization effort amid calls to free Oscar Rivera Lopez

By Matt Meyer for Waging Nonviolence The opening annual hearings of the U.N. Special Committee on Decolonization, or the Committee of 24, have long been a time of conflicting viewpoints regarding the archipelago island’s status. This year, however, the peoples…

Gay Pride in London: welcome relief from EU troubles

A lot of humour, human rights, celebration of diversity and freedom, here are some pictures of the 2016 yearly Gay Pride Parade in London. We may be out of Europe but can still smile and get on with important social…

Brexit, the Day After – UN Calls for ‘Humane Solution’ for Refugees and Migrants

Human Wrongs Watch In Paris on 25 June 2016, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on the countries of Europe as well as the international community at large to work towards a compassionate and humane solution to the problem of…

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