

Kasha Nabagesera a strong voice for LGBTI rights in Uganda

“,,,for her courage and persistence, despite violence and intimidation, in working for the right of LGBTI people to a life free from prejudice and persecution”. Fighting for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people in Uganda,…

​Russians Ask “Why Do You Demonize Us When We Are So Much Like You?”

By Ann Wright Photo of Russian kids attending a youth camp called Artek in Crimea. Photo by Ann Wright I’ve just ended two weeks visiting cities in four regions of Russia. The one question that was asked over and…

The Dutch & pharma policy: a groundbreaking Presidency

By Yannis Natsis, Policy Coordinator for Universal Access & Affordable Medicines @ynatsis Original article at epha, Universal Access and Affordable Medicines | Blog The Netherlands’ Presidency of the European Council proved to be far from quiet in relation to pharmaceutical…

The rats abandon the Brexit ship…to go make more money. Reconciliation anyone?

The main architects of the Brexit disaster have resigned, pretending to do so with “a heavy heart”. In reality once this new episode of Naomi Klein’s well described Disaster Capitalism was in full flight Tories Boris Johnson and Michel Gove…

China’s workers organize simultaneous protests in multiple cities

07.2016 Supporting the Workers’ Movement in China China’s workers organize simultaneous protests in multiple cities The Walmart Workers’ Network, an online group with an estimated 10,000 members across China, has gained considerable publicity over the last month as its campaign…

No End of War

My mind is always bubbling these days with these heart pinching and soul scraping questions where hardly anything is solved about these puzzles that are types of open-ended questions. All answers are in the forms of scraps, bits and pieces,…

Permission granted for judicial review into legality of UK arms exports to Saudi Arabia

Media, Press Releases, 30 June 2016 By Campaign Against the Arms Trade High Court grants judicial review into arms exports to Saudi Arabia, following unprecedented case brought by Campaign Against Arms Trade Extensive evidence suggests Saudi Arabian forces have committed…

Is coup against Corbyn a plot to spare Blair from war crimes probe?

One politician posits that Labour Party leadership’s turn against Corbyn is a move to protect Blair from damning Chilcot [1] findings. by Nika Knight, staff writer for Common Dreams In the tumultuous wake of Brexit, why has the Labour Party…

LGBTI Pride March in Quito, Ecuador

On Saturday, the 2nd of July, at 2.30pm, hundreds of people met in the centre of Quito to celebrate the LGBTI Pride March.  Men and women of all ages and sexual orientations marched to the sound of singing, music and…

Yanis Varoufakis on the European Constitution, Economic Disintegration and Orwellianism

In this video the former finance minister of Greece and founder of DiEM25 (Democracy in Europe Movement 2025), Yanis Varoufakis, provides us insights into why the European constitution does not represent European cititzens and lacks democratic substance. He also talks…

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