

“We’re still here. We can still win.”

od-UK talks to some of the activists and supporters at the ‘Black Lives Matter’ protest in Altab Ali Park, London. By Eleanor Penny 11 August 2016 for openDemocracy Over the past three years, the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement has raged…

Another Digital World is Needed: With Free Software, it is Possible!

In the context of the World Social Forum 2016, taking place this time in Montreal, Canada, a conference on the importance of free software was held at McGill University on August 11. On this occasion, two speakers discussed of the…

Uncle “Sham” says “dance!”… and the band plays on…

I recall from my early teens, the “Judgment at Nuremberg” movie, which made a big impression then about “justice” and the “rightness and virtue” of the Allied cause.  But when I watched the movie on TV, years later, it was…

Not bad but lets make it better – Bangladesh’s Youth Policy 2016

Youth, a critical juncture of a human life, where the transition from childhood to adulthood hopefully takes place. This means going beyond mere physical transformation to entail biological, psychological, socio-cultural and political adaptations. Yet, age is the only parameter to…

Japan brings Ikata nuclear plant back online

Japan has restarted a nuclear reactor despite a court challenge by local residents. The atomic plant was one of dozens shut down in wake of the 2011 Fukushima disaster. Plant operator Shikoku Electric Power said Friday it switched on the…

Britain faces prospect of post-Brexit recession

Britons across different industries are already feeling the effects of the Brexit vote. The construction sector has been hit particularly hard. Workers have been laid off. Samira Shackle reports from London. In the run up to Britain’s referendum on membership…

Donald Trump’s Implied Assassination Threat, Fox News and the NRA

Donald Trump is giving new meaning to “bully pulpit,” ratcheting his irrational campaign rhetoric to new and dangerous lows. In North Carolina Tuesday, he said: “Hillary wants to abolish—essentially, abolish—the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to…

War on Climate Terror (II): Fleeing Disasters, Escaping Drought, Migrating

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* ROME, 11 August 2016 (IPS) – “No one can deny the terrible similarities between those running from the threat of guns and those fleeing creeping desertification, water shortages, floods and hurricanes.” Hardly a short,…

Review: Islam against FGM – Female Genital Mutilation

Author William Hanna agreed to review this book on Female Genital Mutilation not because he is an authority on the subject, but because — having lived and travelled in Africa and the Middle East — he had become vaguely aware of…

Philippines: 700 assassinated by “death squads” under “cleansing”

During moment of great crises, people’s fears are accentuated. People begin to be burdened with so many worries. Concomitant to these worries and fears is the consciousness’ search for the culprit, that unknown something that surely is behind their suffering.…

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