

One Humanity? Millions of Children Tortured, Smuggled, Abused, Enslaved

By Baher Kamal ROME, Aug 16 2016 (IPS) – Children are being smuggled, sexually abused, maimed, killed for their vital organs, recruited as soldiers or otherwise enslaved. Not only: 69 million children under five will die from mostly preventable causes, 167…

Obama unlikely to change US nuclear weapons policy

The Obama administration is reportedly mulling a change in its nuclear arms policy that would rule out using them first in a conflict. Such a move is not only unlikely – it would also be little more than symbolism. In…

Opinion: The West’s total failure

The situation in Aleppo appears increasingly hopeless. This civil war is on the brink of its greatest humanitarian disaster. But there’s not much the West can do on its own, writes DW’s Loay Mudhoon. When the siege around eastern Aleppo…

‘Youth Directly Affected by the Tragic Contradictions Prevailing Today’

Human Wrongs Watch 12 August 2016 – The world’s young people – who make up the largest generation of youth in history – can lead a global drive to break the patterns of the past and set the world on…

Thursday’s Date with Calls for a Fairer Chile

Viewpoint by Pía Figueroa* SANTIAGO (IDN) – Every year, as they have been doing since 2011, students in Chile take to the streets each Thursday, demanding a free and good quality education system. They are increasingly being joined by their…

Tony Henderson: A legend departs

Pressenza is devastated to learn of the passing away of our Asia-Pacific Editor, Tony Henderson, on Sunday the 14th of August, in the arms of his wife Mila, at the age of 74. Tony, originally from England’s North East region…


What’s that smell coming from the Clinton campaign’s ever-expanding “big tent”? Danny Katch investigates and finds some foul-smelling Republican elephants inside. BERNIE SANDERS wrote in an op-ed article in the Los Angeles Times last week that his “political revolution…continues as…

Ecuador’s Correa: it’s neoliberalism, not socialism that has failed

Leftist leader says growth “that favors the poor, growth with social justice, growth with equity,” worthy of pursuit byAndrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams Ecuadoran president Rafael Correa on Sunday denounced “fantasies of trickle-down theories” and said that it’s neoliberalism,…

‘Youth Have Tremendous Potential in Helping to Create a Fair Future for All’

Human Wrongs Watch By Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director UN Women*  12 August 2016 (UN Women) – Increasing prosperity, reducing exploitation, and encouraging new ideas and habits that support sustainability is the message behind the theme for this year’s International Youth Day:…

Berlin holds ceremony to mark building of Wall in 1961

German students are often unable to differentiate between democracy and dictatorship, according to the director of the Berlin Wall Foundation. His remarks coincided with the remembrance of the wall’s 1961 construction. Berlin Mayor Michael Müller led a wreath-laying ceremony Saturday…

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