

Hinkley Point C: UK’s nuclear (rogue) white elephant

Hinkley Point C nuclear power station has been on the cards for more than 15 years to be built in Somerset, England by French state run EDF with the addition of Chinese capital. The cost has been spiralling up and…

Germany mulls bringing back compulsory military service

Berlin has said it’s considering changing its position on military conscription. The country is mulling new strategies to deal with possible security threats. Germany’s interior ministry is considering taking steps toward bringing back the country’s compulsory military service, which was…

Sailing to the Arctic with the People Who Call It Home

Human Wrongs Watch By Farrah Khan* 18 August, 2016 (Greenpeace) – The courageous Inuit community of Clyde River is standing up to protect their Arctic home from devastating seismic blasting. The circumpolar Arctic is home to four million people representing a…

Berlin, Germany: anti-war protest called for October 8th

Press release by German anti-war organisations. Down With Weapons!!! Cooperation Instead of NATO Confrontation, Disarmament Instead of Welfare Cuts – Nationwide Demonstration in Berlin / October 8th, 2016 The current wars and military standoff against Russia propel us into the streets.…

2017 International Year to End Israeli Occupation of Palestine?

By J Nastranis for InDepthNews. The UN General Assembly is coming under strong pressure to declare 2017 as the International Year to End Israeli Occupation of Palestine, particularly in the aftermath of the July 2016 report by the Middle East…

The “no nukes” mantra between hope and despair

By Ramesh Jaura for InDepthNews. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s mantra “No more Hiroshimas – No more Nagasakis – Never again”, chanted to commemorate the anniversaries of the devastating atomic bombings of two Japanese cities has yet to usher in a…

The Syrian boy in the ambulance breaks my heart. But what can I do?!

The Syrian refugee crisis including those internally displaced, those in neighbouring countries and the few who have made it to other shores is the biggest civilian tragedy since WWII. And yet there is a paralysis in ordinary people who would…

The Olympics Review: some of the good things

My dark secret as an activist and someone committed to a revolution of the violent, global system in which we live is that I get obsessed by the Olympic Games.  My activist friends can’t quite really understand it, denouncing them…

UN talks recommend the General Assembly ban nuclear weapons in 2017

The final day of the open-ended working on nuclear disarmament (OEWG) was a picture of diplomatic theatre. At the last moment the Australian delegation tried to upset the process by demanding a vote on what all other delegations believed was…

Majority of UN members declare intention to negotiate ban on nuclear weapons in 2017

United Nations disarmament talks concluded in Geneva on Friday 19th of August with the overwhelming majority of nations signalling their intention to launch negotiations in 2017 for a global ban on nuclear weapons. One hundred and seven nations in Africa,…

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