

Hispanic Heritage Month: The Misuse of Culture

By Arturo Ignacio Sánchez In 1968 President Lyndon B. Johnson established Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM). The objective was to highlight Hispanic cultures and their contributions to the national landscape. HHM, in effect, was crafted as a top-down cultural policy to…

Preparing for power: Can Iceland’s Pirate Party change system from the inside?

Consistently topping the polls ahead of upcoming elections, Iceland’s Pirate Party have a real shot at power. If they do, they want to change the “ugly” culture of politics and create a society that honours people. By Phil England 13…

Madres de la Plaza de Mayo support Women’s Boat to Gaza

Every Thursday, more than two thousand Thursdays ago, at Plaza de Mayo at 3pm, right in front of the Government House in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the mothers who protest against the disappearance of their daughters and sons during the last…

Why we must go to the Pentagon on September 26, 2016 A call to action from the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR):   As people of conscience and nonviolence we go to the Pentagon, the seat of the United States military might, to call for an end to the…

Militarism and the Young: Youth Gathering at the Disarmament Congress in Berlin

“In many ways the world we live in is unjust and inhumane, especially towards young people. Our social model is established on unlimited economic growth, the extensive use of natural resources, the predominance of capital, domination structures, patriarchy, competition, violence,…

G20 Summit: for the first time the West couldn’t dictate, but had to listen

IN FOCUS, 12 September 2016, By Asif Aziz – Astute News 9 Sep 2016 – China has spent months organizing the G20 Summit in Hangzhou. They had their own ideas and it was a sort of coming out for Chinese,…

Federal Government Partially Halts Construction of Dakota Access Pipeline

The Obama administration has ordered a halt to construction of part of the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline, which has faced months of resistance from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and hundreds of other tribes from across the U.S. and…

ICAN condemns North Korea’s nuclear test, urges nations to pursue global nuclear weapon ban

September 9, 2016: North Korea today confirmed that it had conducted its most powerful nuclear test explosion to date, with an estimated yield of 10 kilotonnes, triggering a magnitude 5.3 earthquake. The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) – a…

People key to Ecuador’s Sustainable Development Goals

Viewpoint by Nelsy Lizarazo, for InDepthNews. I visited to San Pablo 15 years ago and it was clearly the poorest neighbourhood of Portoviejo, the regional capital of Manabí Province. Then, there was no drinking water. Families could not even imagine…

Kazakhstan claims ‘moral right’ to push for banning nukes

By Ramesh Jaura BERLIN | ASTANA (IDN) – The fact that President Nursultan Nazarbayev shut down the Semipalatinsk test site “against the interests of the Soviet military authorities” even before the Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan became “fully independent”, is…

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