

From pacifism to nonviolence in Berlin

With the slogan “Reconciliation is the only path to peace”, on the 1st of October, the eve of the International Day of Nonviolence, hundreds of people formed a human peace symbol in Berlin that then transformed into the symbol of…

Whose work was the inspiration for the first nuke-free country?

By MARILYN WARING 27 September 2016 for openDemocracy If you were growing up in New Zealand and Australia post World War II, there’s a chance you knew about the United States using the Marshall Islands as a nuclear testing site from…

David Rojas on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed with David Rojas, concerning his work Piezas Faltantes (Missing Pieces), an intervention that brings to life the memory of people in Colombia who went missing due to the political armed conflict.

Silo, Nobel Peace Summit: “A nonviolent world”

As we approach Oct 2nd International Nonviolence Day which will be celebrated in Berlin at the IPB Conference with living Peace and Nonviolence signs, we reproduce here an abstract of the 2009 speech by Silo publishe by New Humanist US “November…

Gandhi: ‘My life is my message’

By Robert J. Burrowes As most of the world ignores or hypocritically celebrates the 147th birthday of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi on the International Day of Nonviolence on 2 October, some of us will quietly acknowledge his life by continuing to…

Governments submit draft resolution to commence ban treaty negotiations

A group of governments have submitted a draft UN General Assembly resolution to start negotiations on a treaty banning nuclear weapons. The document was circulated on Wednesday by its lead sponsors Austria, Mexico, South Africa, Ireland, Brazil and Nigeria and…

Interview with Luz Jahnen, producer of the documentary film, “Beyond Revenge”

Luz Jahnen is German and the producer of this film, a humanist, a researcher and a defender of the need to surpass this violence-based system. Pressenza: you published a monograph “Revenge, violence and reconciliation” and subsequently you have given and…

Interview with Álvaro Orus, director of the film “Beyond Revenge”

This documentary film, whose premiere will take place in the World Congress of the International Peace Bureau, 2016 in Berlin, will without a doubt contribute a fundamental and new meaning for “Disarm! For a climate of Peace”, the slogan of…

Over 200 Groups demand EPA revise dangerously flawed fracking study

Groups charge that the EPA has “done the public a disservice” by helping promote a toxic drilling method.  by Lauren McCauley, staff writer for Common Dreams The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) flawed assessment that fracking has not led to “widespread,…

The Colombians for Peace Took Times Square

The Colombian community for Peace gathered in Times Square to celebrate the end of the war after 52 years, while the agreements between the FARC and the government of Juan Manuel Santos was signed in Cartagena Colombia. A symbolic act…

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