

IPB 2016, the voice of young people

The young people have been among the actors of the 2016 International Peace Bureau World Congress in Berlin. They claim a peaceful world and a future of justice, equity, solidarity and cooperation in which capitalism and militarism can disappear. During…

Thousands protest against NATO & TTIP in front of the Chancellor’s Office in Berlin

This video from the 1st of October 2016, thousands of people demonstrated in front of the Chancellor’s office in Berlin under the slogan “That’s Enough” (“Es reicht“) initiated by Ken Jebsen, founder of the independent & adversarial media outlet KenFM.…

IPB 2016, Reiner Braun: “We need more activities for Peace all over the world”

At the end of the International Peace Bureau World Congress in Berlin we asked Reiner Braun, Co-President of IPB, to give us some final comments. Here below you can find his video interview

Medea Benjamin: “Nonviolence is the only path”

During the International Peace Bureau World Congress in Berlin we have interviewed Medea Benjamin, US activist for peace and human rights. Here below the link to the complete interview

Dave Webb: “A treaty to ban nuclear weapons is a fantastic step forward”

During the 2016 International Peace Bureau World Congress in Berlin we interviewed the British peace activist Dave Webb, member of CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament). Here below is the link to the complete interview

“Idiotes” in Ancient Greece and today. The Colombia debacle

Idiotes was the word used in Athenian democracy to describe those only preoccupied with their own, selfish interests, concerned almost exclusively with private, as opposed to public, affairs. They declined to take part in public life, such as democratic government…

Colombia: We need to learn peace

On the 2nd of October, the International day of Nonviolence, the people of Colombia went to the polling stations.  After the agreement signed between the government of Juan Manuel Santos and the FARC on the 26th of September after four…

International day of nonviolence around the world

The 2nd of October was instituted as the International Day of Nonviolence at the UN in 2007 on the request of India to recognise Gandhi’s birthday. Around the world, many events to mark the day have been held this weekend. …

Nonviolence: the response to a xenophobic referendum in Hungary

On the anniversary of Gandhi’s birthday, now the International day of nonviolence, Hungarians were faced with a divisive, xenophobic referendum on whether the country should accept a few hundred refugees as part of a redistribution programme promoted by Germany which…

Opening of the II IPB International Conference

The Congress opened, after a musical interlude, with the welcome given by Ingeborg Breines, co-president of IPB [International Peace Bureau] along with Reiner Braun, with more than a thousand participants. “We are here to understand, work together in friendship and…

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