

The week the world agreed to make nuclear weapons illegal

It’s time This week, delegations to the UN General Assembly could help shift the course of history. This sounds dramatic, especially for First Committee. While it always presents a good opportunity for progress, First Committee can sometimes seem like a…

France, UK Failing Unaccompanied Children in Calais

By Helen Griffiths On Monday, the French government intends to demolish migrant camps referred to as the “Jungle” in Calais. This could be particularly harmful for unaccompanied children. During the last demolition, 129 children went missing. Today, French police estimate…

“Beyond Revenge”, the documentary film freely available online

The documentary “Beyond Revenge” that premiered on the 2nd of October in Berlin, and which has already been premiered in several other cities worldwide, is now freely available on youtube, just as the producers, Álvaro Orus and Luz Jahnen said…

Steve Amsel: Peace is possible and WILL become a reality. There is no other alternative!

by Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik. In the following interview with Steve Amsel of the DesertPeace portal, a Jew fighting for peace and against militarism and colonialism in Israel. Just like us at ProMosaik, for Steve “anti-Zionism” never means anti-Semitism, but is…

Opposition to nuclear energy grows in Japan

Opinion polls show the Japanese people oppose nuclear plants going back into operation. It underlines the scale of the problem facing the government in convincing everyone that it’s safe. Julian Ryall reports from Tokyo. Before October 16, Ryuichi Yoneyama had…

Jürgen Grässlin: ‘We all have to realize the utopia of peace’

We have met and interviewed the prominent German peace activist Jürgen Grässlin during the Conference about Utopia at the Monastero del Bene Comune in Sezano (Verona), Italy. Grässlin, an arms trade expert who has already collaborated with Pressenza during the…

German ban on refugees arriving by air challenged in court

On Wednesday the 19th of october, the Center for Political Beauty launched a legal case against the german government because of a law that prohibits airlines from transporting refugees. So this artists’ collective put their street activism on hold and…

How war dehumanises everyone it touches

All acts of mass murder are crimes against humanity, and require a gross debasing of other people. Paul Tritschler 19 October 2016 for opeenDemocracy On a recent visit to one of my favourite haunts in London, Gloucester Books, I flicked…

Argentinian Women Called to Strike, Protest After Brutal Attack on Teenage Girl

“We’re calling it Black Wednesday because we’re in mourning for all of the dead women, all of the women killed simply for being women” by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common Dreams Hundreds of thousands of Argentinian women were expected…

Mayors seek “a seat at the global table”

By Santiago Bolaños. In the context of the Habitat III conference that finished today in Quito, Ecuador, mayors from different parts of the world presented the initiative “A seat at the Global Table”.  In the event the mayors sought to…

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