

Nobel committee losing patience with Bob Dylan. They should have read his lyrics more carefully

Alfred Nobel invented dynamite and other explosives, so perhaps he felt responsible for their military use. But dynamite also opens roads through mountains and gave access to people who were not communicated. So he cannot really be blamed for inventing…

Punishment is violent and counterproductive

By Robert J. Burrowes Punishment is a popular pastime for humans. Parents punish children. Teachers punish students. Employers punish workers. Courts punish lawbreakers. People punish each other. Governments punish ‘enemies’. And, according to some, God punishes evildoers. What is ‘punishment’?…

DiEM25: The Pan-European Movement is Picking Up Speed

A quick recap of where DiEM25 is today: The movement kicked off in Berlin last February, quickly followed by two other important events in the Spring: the launch of DiEM25’s Transparency campaign in Rome, and its Refugees and Migration Assembly…

The EU could be about to give a 3.5 billion euro subsidy to arms companies

Do we want a social Europe that invests in people and peace, or do we want one that focuses on arms, militarism and war? By Andrew Smith 24 October 2016 for openDemocracy This week the European Parliament will be debating…

Belgian Socialist Region Threatens to Block Major EU-Canada Trade Deal

A major trade deal between the European Union and Canada appears to be on the brink of collapse, after Belgium announced it would not sign the treaty amid massive local opposition in three regions of Belgium. The Comprehensive Economic and…

Canada: 99 Detained at Protest Demanding End to Tar Sands Pipelines

In Canada, 99 people were detained by police Monday at a demonstration on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, demanding Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reject the expansion of the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline, as well as all new tar sands pipelines…

Darfur genocide: Silence harming women

Activists and the victims of the Darfur genocide are calling on the international community to do more to end the on-going violence against women and children in the Darfur region of Sudan. Women and children as young as seven years…

David Swanson: “We need to unite globally around opposition to the entire institution of war”

In your website you say: “We strive to replace a culture of war with one of peace, in which nonviolent means of conflict resolution take the place of bloodshed”. So which role and value can nonviolence have in building…

North Dakota: Police Arrest Over 100 Water Protectors

In North Dakota, police arrested over 100 people this weekend who gathered for a peaceful march opposing construction of the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. The demonstrators, who call themselves protectors, not protesters, were arrested after they were confronted by…

Human rights ‘not a zero-sum game,’ says award-winning journalist

Carolin Emcke received the German Book Trade’s peace prize for this year. In her acceptance speech, Emcke openly addressed the debate around personal rights, including homosexuality and the Islamic veil. Nearly 1,000 guests, including German President Joachim Gauck, were present…

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