

EU lawmakers urge suspension of Turkey membership talks

A broad majority of EU lawmakers have called for ceasing membership talks with Turkey due to its post-coup purges and President Erdogan’s increasingly authoritarian actions. But EU’s top diplomat has warned against it. The European Parliament debated Turkey’s EU membership…

UN: Victory for LGBT Rights

A close vote on November 21, 2016, by a United Nations General Assembly committee affirming that the newly appointed UN expert to address violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity should continue his work is a victory…

China takes the driver’s seat on free trade

Two months before the inauguration of Donald Trump as the next US President and the likely end of the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal, signs emerge that the Asia-Pacific region is turning towards a Plan B. During his presidential campaign,…

Haiti goes to long-awaited polls to pick president, parliamentarians

Elections have begun in Haiti as people hope to turn the country into a functional democracy. People went to the polls on Sunday to choose a president and dozens of members for Haiti’s bicameral legislature. Some 27 presidential candidates are contesting…

Why women matter for effective climate change solutions

By Fabíola Ortiz, for InDepthNews Establishing a clear path forward and including women and girls in global efforts on climate change were some of the biggest challenges the delegations and non-state actors faced at the latest United Nations Climate Change…

Standing Rock: 100+ Injured After Police Attack with Water Cannons, Rubber Bullets & Mace

In North Dakota, more than 100 Native Americans and allies fighting the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline have been injured by police, who attacked them with rubber bullets, tear gas, mace canisters and water cannons in freezing temperatures Sunday night.…

Degrowth – is it time for a new kind of economics?

With the planet reaching its biophysical limits on what it can provide us, a growing number of economists and environmentalists say we need to switch focus from economic growth to human and ecological wellbeing. At the Cyclonomia bike kitchen in…

Protest against education cuts in London

Over 15.000 students, researchers and lecturers marched in London on Saturday November 19 under the banner of “United for education”, in a demonstration organized by the National Union of Students (NUS) and the University and College Union (UCU) for a…

Protests against Trump continue in New York

On Saturday November 19, three different groups  marched in New York to protest Donald Trump’s election and his choice of ultraconservative Stephen Bannon as chief strategist and senior counselor. Queens council member Jimmy Van Bramer led a group of protesters…

VII International Congress on Immigration, Interculturality and Coexistence

Under the heading of Immigration, Human Rights and Border Politics, this Congress on migration in the Spanish city of Ceuta will take place between the 24th and 26th of November. Pressenza will participate as a media partner, providing a permanent…

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