

A « Humanitarian NGO» deprives 5.6 million civilians of water

VOLTAIRE NETWORK | 7 JANUARY 2017 The Jihadists, who since 24 December 2016 have been polluting the sources of Barada — the river which provides the water supply for the inhabitants (now totalling more than 7 million) of Damascus and…

Poor Darwin – Robots, Not Nature, Now Make the Selection

By Baher Kamal – Human Wrongs Watch ROME, Jan 5 2017 (IPS) – When British naturalist Charles Darwin published in 1859 his theory of evolution in his work On the Origin of Species, he most likely did not expect that robots,…

Obama, Deporter in Chief, Should Pardon the Undocumented

Donald Trump will soon sweep into the office of the U.S. presidency, buttressed by both houses of Congress firmly in Republican control. A wave of regressive executive orders and legislation are already being prepared to ensure that Trump’s first 100…

Glenn Greenwald: Democrats Eager to Blame “Everybody But Themselves” for Collapse of Their Party

As Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testifies at a Senate hearing on Russian cyberthreats ahead of a highly classified briefing today with President-elect Donald Trump, we speak with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald, who has faced an onslaught of…

Why Release the Torture Report Now

By David Swanson, World Beyond War A young man was tortured in Chicago this week. It wasn’t an act of the Chicago police. It was live streamed on Facebook. And the President of the United States declared it an horrific…

Poor Darwin – Robots, Not Nature, Now Make the Selection

By Baher Kamal When British naturalist Charles Darwin published in 1859 his theory of evolution in his work On the Origin of Species, he most likely did not expect that robots, not nature, would someday be in charge of the…

Less than three weeks until Trump takes office!

On January 20th, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. CODEPINK will be there to set an example of how we can shine light even as our country enters a time of…

Yes, Positivity, Pangloss, Partisanship, Propaganda, and Populism

By David Swanson Eight years ago Yes! Magazine published a political platform of progressive policies, along with polling showing strong majority support for each proposal. Now, eight years later, we can show almost total failure to advance any of the…

Deputy UN Chief Deems Culture and Spirituality Important

By Ramesh Jaura The outgoing United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson has urged world leaders to stop dividing humanity into “us and them”, and said that it is important “to realize that there is an element of spirituality needed in…

Tarak Kauff: as Veterans for Peace, we fight against the violent oppression of living beings

Veterans For Peace is a global organization of Military Veterans and allies who aim to build a culture of peace by using their experiences, informing the public of the true causes and the enormous costs of wars and employing nonviolent…

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