

US Trade Hawks and the China Bogey

By Jomo Kwame Sundaram* New US President Donald Trump has long insisted that its major trading partners having been taking advantage of it. Changing these trade terms and conditions will thus be top priority for his administration, and central to…

Trump and the Crisis of Democracy

By Roberto Savio* George W. Bush, the Republican bridge between Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump as U.S. president, declared that the United States was the only democracy in the world. The election of Trump now makes this traditional American rhetoric…

The Trump Presidency: The First Week

By Johan Galtung* Attacking the Affordable Care Act; the “global gag rule” against abortion; the federal regulation and hiring freeze; canceling the TPP; restarting the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipeline; limiting entry with the Mexican Wall; the 90-day travel ban…

Frederick Douglass: Power Concedes Nothing Without a Demand

The good news is that President Donald Trump opened Black History Month by mentioning the renowned abolitionist Frederick Douglass. The bad news is, he doesn’t seem to realize he’s dead. “Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an…

Opening Day of the Peace Summit in Bogota.

In today’s world, with so much need for concrete action against violence and wars, it is disappointing that no one from the mainstream media is covering the first day of the Nobel Peace Prize Summit in Bogota, Colombia. Here are…

Dakota Access pipeline, the Water Protectors Call for Support

The Army Corps of Engineers appears poised to approve the final permit required to build the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. On Tuesday, North Dakota Senator John Hoeven said he had spoken with acting Secretary of the Army Robert Speer…

Bogota to Host World Summit of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates; Feb 2-5

This will be the first time since its creation in 1999, that the Summit will be held in Latin America, this coming 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th of February, 2017 in Bogotá. Bogotá organized the meeting with six other cities,…

The Next Step in Caring

Airport resistance is the biggest step forward by the U.S. public in years. Why do I say that? Because this is unfunded, largely unpartisan activism that is largely selfless, largely focused on helping unknown strangers, driven by compassion and love,…

Advisory on Trump’s Entry Ban

The American Immigration Council’s practice advisory, Challenging President Trump’s Ban on Entry, provides information about how last Friday’s Executive Order is being implemented, offers resources and practice tips for attorneys whose clients are affected by it, and outlines legal challenges…

Muslim Ban, Trump Strikes Back

President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday night, just hours after she announced the Justice Department would not defend Trump’s executive order banning temporarily all refugees, as well as all citizens, from the seven Muslim-majority nations…

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