

Celebrating Tlatelolco – The First Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone

By Jayantha Dhanapala* The commemoration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the signature of the Treaty of Tlatelolco could not have come at a more opportune moment. In the UN General Assembly last year, Mexico and a number of Latin American…

Activists Unfurl “Refugees Welcome” Banner on Statue of Liberty

The Trump administration’s crackdown against immigration and immigrants currently living in the United States has sparked widespread protest. Only hours after the Department of Homeland Security unveiled its deportation plans, activists unfurled a 3-foot-by-20-foot banner at the base of the…

London: Hundreds protest against immigration raids

On Saturday more than 500 people marched through Peckham, London with LGBT+ and migrant communities to protest immigration raids and mass deportations. The march was led by Peckham-based asylum seekers and featured speeches from South London migrant groups and local…

The New Gambia

After a noisy political impasse the Gambia experienced months ago, the country has decided: Democracy is reborn, Human rights are to be respected, The rule of law will prevail, There shall be no more violence, To be free. The president…

An Open Letter to Trump and Putin: The World Needs Nuclear Zero

David Krieger* | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation This may be the most dangerous time in human history. In a dramatic recent decision, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has moved its iconic Doomsday Clock ahead from three minutes to only…

Anti-Trump protests in London and all over the UK

On Monday 20th February The British Parliament debated whether or not to allow Donald Trump a state visit, after the invitation extended by the Prime Minister Theresa May when she visited Washington DC just 7 days after Trump’s inauguration. 1.8…

New Yorkers Rally to say ‘Not My President’s Day’

This Presidents’ Day, a protest called the Not My President Rally took place in New York with thousands of demonstrators coming together on Central Park West and at Columbus Circle near Trump International Tower. Protesters stretching at least eight blocks chanted “He…

“For-Profit President”: A Look at How Trump Is Pushing Wholesale Corporate Takeover of the Gov’t

There has been a wholesale corporate takeover of the government. That’s the conclusion of a new report coming out today by the watchdog group Public Citizen. The report looks at how corporate America has benefited from Trump’s first month in…

Anti-Trump Demonstrations Continue in the US and in Great Britain

Anti-Trump demonstrations continue nationally and worldwide, as thousands of protesters took the streets across the U.S. over the weekend. In New York City, activists, flanked by a marching band and carrying a casket, staged a New Orleans-style mock funeral for…

NYC Rally: ‘I Am a Muslim Too’

Activists gathered in New York City to oppose President Trump’s travel ban that targets seven countries with large Muslim populations. More than 1,000 people filled New York’s Times Square on Sunday, waving American flags and holding signs saying “No Muslim…

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