

These women cannot celebrate their day

This is a story that one would wish to never have to write—the story of hundreds of millions of life-givers whose production and productivity have systematically been ‘quantified’ in much detailed statistics, but whose abnegation, human suffering and denial of…

UN experts censure Germany for ‘Crimes against Africans’

By Jutta Wolf for InDepthNews. United Nations experts have strongly criticised Germany for “crimes against Africans and people of African descent” adding that they are “deeply concerned about the human rights situation of people of African descent” in the country.…

Seven scaring facts about the widening gender gap

Women across the globe are facing new threats, which risk dismantling decades of hard-won rights and derailing the effort to end extreme poverty, an international confederation of civil society organisations has revealed ahead of International Women’s Day on women March…

Descendants Of Slaves, Forerunners Of Justice: American Muslims Must Stop Apologizing

By Dr Ramzy Baroud I had recently been asked to give a talk about “being an American Muslim in the United States.” Although wary of the uses and abuses of the term, I obliged. Islam is a religion propelled by…

Longer Life, Healthier Life?

The average human being is living longer than ever before. Nearly every country on the planet has seen an increase in life expectancy since the beginning of the 21st century. But though we are living longer, not all of us…

White House Seeks Drastic Cuts to Environmental Protection Agency

The White House is seeking to dramatically reduce the power of the Environmental Protection Agency, slashing dozens of programs and laying off 20 percent of the agency’s staff. The plan calls for the complete elimination of EPA programs on climate change, toxic…

Video: Richard D. Wolff – What is Capitalism & Socialism? What differentiates them from each other?

This video is part of an educational & historical series with Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard D. Wolff. In this first interview we talk to him about Capitalism and…

Success as German bank divests from Dakota Access Pipeline

The Bayerische Landesbank (BayernLB) was one of 17 banks to have invested in the Dakota Access Pipeline. The highly controversial pipeline, which is destined to transport oil obtained by fracking across the North American continent is a threat to the…

Jesica Kessler on Face 2 Face

On this show we speak with Jesica Kessler about Somos Ola, a student organization at The New School that promotes debate on Latin American issues. We also discuss Jesica’s participation in a documentary about Rio’s Olympic Games and her involvement…

Our Causes Are Connected, Our Movements Should Be Too

By David Swanson Global corporations and international government alliances are pushing war, environmental destruction, economic exploitation, defunding of schools and housing, hateful divisive ideologies, and reductions in rights and liberties as a package wrapped in shiny foil, tied with a…

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