

SUARAM Malaysia – struggling for human rights

By Denise Nanni and Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik Now let’s move to Malaysia to talk to Chew Cy (Dobby) of SUARAM, struggling for human rights in the country. The organisation SUARAM, active for 20 years in Malaysia, predominantly works on issues…

UN’s 1st ‘Playable’ Policy Conference on Global Development

By Rita Joshi BERLIN | BONN (IDN) – Inspired by innovative and forward-looking concepts, the Global Festival of Ideas for Sustainable Development, the first in a series of annual forums to help achieve the United Nations-led Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)…

Seeding the future against destructive neoliberal capitalism

By Michael Meurer, Truthout There was much bluster about US job losses under NAFTA in the 2016 election, but walking along the banks of the Río Santiago in the pueblo of Juanacatlán, Mexico, the larger impact of the agreement immediately…

Thousands march in London to defend the National Health Service

250,000 people have marched in London today to protest against further funding cuts to health service and social care and the potential privatization of the NHS, threatened by £20 billion of cuts required by the government by 2020. It was…

Revolutionary book “At the Crossroads of Humanity’s Future” published in English

Pressenza has been promoting widely the new book by the Argentinian author, Guillermo Sullings.  Titled “At the Crossroads of Humanity’s Future: 120 steps towards the Universal Human Nation”, the book has just been translated to English in Hungary by Pressenza…

Arizona House Speaker withdraws bill to punish protests

On Monday February 27th Governor Doug Ducey and the Republican leader of the Arizona House withdrew Senate Bill 1142 – a bill meant to punish organizers of protest that turn violent with racketeering charges. Rioting is already illegal under Arizona law,…

Breaking Through Power: It’s Easier Than We Think

By Ralph Nader Back in Congress following February recess’s raucous town meetings, Republicans are shuddering. Instead of nearly empty auditoriums, where legislators’ staff often outnumber voters in attendance, meetings were packed with citizens determined to block the “take away” agenda…

Japan Federation to Advance Women’s Economic Empowerment

Note: This article first appeared on UN Women website as part of a series on International Women’s Day, 8 March 2017 NEW YORK (IDN | UN Women) – During their first visit to the United Nations Headquarters in New York…

Lucky timing stopped Fukushima being much, much worse

Here we reproduce the lastest information video from Fairewinds Energy Education in which Arnie Gundersen explains that but for lucky timing with the tsunami hitting while all the stations on the Japanese coast were fully staffed with people able to…

Honduras: Protests Mark One Year Anniversary of Berta Cáceres Killing

In Honduras, hundreds of protesters rallied outside the Honduran Supreme Court building Thursday to demand justice for Berta Cáceres, the famed environmental activist and feminist leader who was assassinated in her home one year ago. Eight men have been arrested…

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