

Understanding the situation of the Middle East today. From one world war to another (1/3)

To understand the situation of today’s Middle East, it’s necessary to review a century of history. It’s necessary to go back to the aftermath of the First World War to see a large part of the geopolitical data that explains…

Activists and Native Americans march on Washington amid rain, sleet and snow

On Friday March 10th 5,000 members of Native Americans tribes and their supporters – celebrities, environmental and peace activists, veterans, college students – marched on Washington, D.C.  amid bitter cold, rain, sleet, and snow, calling for Trump and the U.S. Congress…

Video: Richard D. Wolff on Bankruptcy Protection, Debt Jubilee, Students Debt and the Credit System

This video is part 3 of an educational & historical series with Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard D. Wolff. In this interview we talk to him about bankruptcy protection,…

Calais Migrant Camp Closure Drives Refugees To Paris Streets

By Melissa Chemam* Note: This article is being reproduced courtesy of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung’s online Journal ‘International Politics and Society’ published on March 7, 2017 with the headline Refugees Welcome? PARIS (IDN-INPS) – Since the destruction of the informal…

Imperialist Wars And Interventions Fuel Refugee Crisis In Africa

By Thomas Gaist Large numbers of persons fleeing war and famine in sub-Saharan Africa are transiting through Libya in a desperate effort to reach Europe, UNICEF reported last week. An estimated 80,000 refugees, including 25,000 children, left Libyan ports in…

Redefining cash-free shopping in Berlin

Have you ever thought of shunning the consumer dream? In Germany, it might not be that difficult. It’s just a matter of finding the right key, as Tamsin Walker found out on a shopping trip with a difference. I’m not…

The Indigenous ‘People of Wildlife’ Know How to Protect Nature

By Baher Kamal In the northern part of Mount Kenya, there is an indigenous community — the Il Lakipiak Maasai (“People of Wildlife”) — which owns and operates the only community-owned rhino sanctuary in the country. They have managed to…

A Day Without a Woman: The Women’s Global Strike and the Growing Movement Against Donald Trump

The Statue of Liberty went dark Tuesday, the day after President Donald Trump signed his revised executive order, dubbed the “Muslim ban 2.0,” excluding all refugees and people from six majority-Muslim countries. The darkening also foreshadowed the next day, Wednesday,…

Gender issues in the Ukraine

By Milena Rampoldi and Denise Nanni for ProMosaik Interview with Tamara Martsenyuk of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union. Tamara Martsenyuk holds a PhD in Sociology and her research interest focuses on the social structure of society and, particularly, on…

Why should Trump―or anyone―be able to launch a nuclear war?

by Lawrence Wittner for IPPNW The accession of Donald Trump to the US presidency brings us face-to-face with a question that many have tried to avoid since 1945: Should anyone have the right to plunge the world into a nuclear…

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