

Turkey: Crackdown on Kurdish Opposition

The Turkish government has jailed 13 members of the pro-Kurdish democratic opposition in parliament on terrorism charges and taken direct control of 82 municipalities in the Kurdish southeast region, suspending and incarcerating elected mayors, Human Rights Watch said today. The…

INTERVIEW WITH THIERRY MEYSSAN: About “Under Our Eyes” by Thierry Meyssan

On the occasion of the publication of his book, “Right Under Our Eyes. From September 11 to Donald Trump”, Thierry Meyssan granted this interview via the Internet. VOLTAIRE NETWORK | DAMASCUS (SYRIA) | 20 MARCH 2017 Voltaire Network: Thierry Meyssan,…

World Politics-Economics Right Now

By Johan Galtung The net conclusion? The enormous US imbalance: no longer winning wars, less political clout, economically bankrupt but still powerful, shaping the world culturally. Wise US policy would celebrate the last two; unwise policy would Make America Great…

Oil to Start Flowing Through Dakota Access Pipeline This Week

Oil could start flowing through the highly contested $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline as early as today. On Saturday, an appeals court rejected the Standing Rock Sioux and Cheyenne River Nations’ request for an emergency injunction to stop the pipeline…

Understanding the situation of the Middle East today. From 1945 to 1990, a stake of the Cold War (2/3)

To understand the situation of today’s Middle East, it’s necessary to review a century of history. Indeed one has to go back to the aftermath of World War I to see the establishment of a large proportion of the geopolitical…

75% of Brits support UN nuclear ban talks

75% of UK adults think the British Government should be represented at nuclear disarmament talks due to begin at the United Nations next week. Only 9% said the Government should not attend and 16% were undecided. The opinion poll was…

Oh Happy Day!

By Baher Kamal Once a year, there is a day when the seven billion inhabitants of Planet Earth should feel happy or at least are encouraged to do so–the World Happiness Day, which is marked every year on March 20.…

The roots

We see Trump and all the other representatives of the destructive tendencies of the populist right moving through the world as the problem, but like with many illnesses people are fighting the symptoms and not the causes. One of the…

Facing Famine, 20 Million People Need Food, Not Bombs

The world is facing the most serious humanitarian catastrophe since the end of World War II. Twenty million people are at risk of starving to death in Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria and South Sudan. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump is responding by…

Sami Parliament convinces Norwegian pension fund to divest from Dakota Access Pipeline

The Sami Parliament in Norway, which represents the indigenous Sami people, also known as Lapps in English, has convinced the second largest pension fund of the country, the public sector sign, to divest from companies linked to the controversial Dakota Access…

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