

March 30th, on-line protest: tell Deutsche Bank to divest from the Dakota Access Pipeline!

Tell Deutsche Bank to divest from the Dakota Access Pipeline! Deutsche Bank has granted Sunoco Logistics Partner L.P. $100,000,000.00 in revolving credit and Energy Transfer Equity, L.P. $61,437,500.00 in revolving credit. Deutsche Bank is also a 3% stakeholder in Energy…

Liberalism’s Communications Problem

Liberals in the United States are relatively educated, yet extremely inarticulate when it comes to Trump, his budget proposal, or the U.S. military. In a typical email, sent out the message this week that nobody should confirm a Supreme…

Conversation with Marcia Butler

By Jhon Sánchez Marcia Butler’s book came to me like a miracle. I was editing a short story that elicits around the topic of music when ‘The Skin Above My Knee’ plopped into my mailbox. It surprised me that Marcia…

America’s Woes and Europe’s Responsibility

By Farhang Jahanpour Last year’s U.S. presidential election campaign was the most acrimonious in recent history. The debates were personal and bad-tempered. Some email leaks from the Democratic National Committee showed that the committee had been actively trying to undermine…


By Baher Kamal For over 400 years, more than 15 million men, women and children were the victims of the transatlantic slave trade, one of the darkest chapters in human history. Slavery is, nevertheless, far from being just a chapter…

“The ban treaty will change the world”

The following statement was read by Hiroshima survivor Setsuko Thurlow, on behalf of ICAN, during the first series of civil society statements at the ban treaty negotiations conference. Distinguished Delegates, I am honored to be given this opportunity, as a…

Courage is the crux of the ban treaty

By Ray Acheson. Applause broke out at the beginning of the day when the President of the conference to negotiate a treaty banning nuclear weapons, Ambassador Elayne Whyte of Costa Rica, opened the proceedings. Applause also broke out at the…

EU Commission Should Call Out Hungary’s Asylum Abuses

Top EU Official Should Use Visit to Press Budapest to Comply with International Law By Lydia Gall Hungary’s new asylum law allowing for the blanket detention of asylum seekers, including some children, will come into force on March 28. It’s the…

Interview with Daniel Högsta at the UN

Interview with Daniel Högsta – Network Coordinator, ICAN, on the first day of the negotiations for a nuclear arms ban treaty at the UN

Over 3,000 scientists support UN nuclear ban negotiations

Delegates from most UN member states are gathering in New York to negotiate a nuclear weapons ban, where they will also receive a letter of support that has been signed by thousands of scientists from around over 80 countries –…

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