

Trump Praises Egyptian President Al-Sisi: “We Agree on So Many Things”

President Trump praised Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi during a meeting at the White House Monday, saying the two leaders “agree on so many things.” President Donald Trump: “It’s great to be with the president of Egypt. And I will…

Carbon Levels Could Hit Pre-Human State By Mid-Century

By Nadia Prupis Current carbon dioxide levels are unprecedented in human history and could reach a level unseen in millennia if their rates continue at this pace, a new report out Tuesday warns. Research published in Nature Communications finds that…

An Ethics for Mother Earth

By Leonardo Boff It is a recognized scientific fact, with 95% certainty, that climate change, the main expression of which is global warming, is of an anthropogenic nature. That is, those changes have their genesis in violent human behavior towards…

50 years after Martin Luther King: #No54BillionforWar

Today, April 4th, marks 50 years after Martin Luther King’s profound speech “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break the Silence,” ,” a speech that recognized the urgent need to end militarism and war. Dr. King called for a revolution of values, and with…

A shift in the public conversation to ban the bomb

Alice Slater is New York Director of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, who serves on the Coordinating Committee of World Beyond War. Last week (March 27-31) the UN General Assembly held the opening session of a ground-breaking conference “to negotiate a legally binding instrument…

Successful negotiations on a nuclear weapons ban treaty

The first session of negotiations “on new legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading toward their total elimination” ended on Friday, March 31st at the UN headquarters in New York on a successful note, and a draft treaty is…

A Marathon in Bethlehem – rather a promenade for the right to movement

Hebrew below It is probably the shortest marathon in the world. Bethlehem is encircled by the wall to such extent that there is no 42 km route that the sportsmen and women could pass. On the other hand not many…

Ban treaty here we come

The first negotiating session of the historic conference to negotiate a treaty to ban and provide for the elimination of nuclear weapons has just finished. In content, process and significance, it was extraordinary. The number of states participating was 132—even…

Dakota Access Pipeline Protest: Intesa SanPaolo Answers and Protest organizers Respond

During the online protest against Intesa SanPaolo’s involvement in the Dakota Access Pipeline, more than 100 people wrote on the bank’s Facebook page and many more sent messages on Twitter. Many of those involved, including the organizers, (Women’s March –…

Thursday, April 6, on line protest in France to #DivestDAPL

The Dakota Access Pipeline Project (DAPL), which is cause for serious ethical, environmental and human rights concerns, is receiving investment support from 4 major French banks – Credit Agricole,  Société Générale, Natixis and BNP-Paribas. Credit Agricole will comply with the recommendations of an independent…

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