

Dakota Access Pipeline, banks and protests

It seems that applying pressure works: after the on line protest of March 30 Intesa SanPaolo declined to participate in a refinancing of Energy Transfer Equity (ETE), parent company financing the Dakota Access Pipeline. However, they are still involved and…

Egypt Imposes State of Emergency After ISIS Attacks Kill 49 at Coptic Churches

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has imposed a three-month state of emergency, after bombings at two Coptic Christian churches killed at least 49 people during Palm Sunday services. President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi: “Several steps are to be taken, the first…

U.S., Russia must repel greed, fear

By Kristin Y. Christman. First published in the Albany Times Union. John D. Rockefeller was incensed. It was the 1880s, and oil drillers had struck such enormous wells in Baku that Russia was selling oil in Europe at prices that…

UN, Hypocrisy as a weapon of mass destruction

Surely few will be surprised by the recent bombing of Syria ordered by Trump. If we were already used to the permanent military intervention of the US throughout the planet, with a bully as brand-new president it was predictable that…

The U.S. attack on Syria’s al-Shayrat Airfield

By Jan Oberg Most of the Western mainstream press has decided – in conspicuous uniformity with the U.S. foreign policy establishment – that it was the government of Syria that was responsible for the chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun. With…

The U.S. Navy’s Anti-Environmental Broadside In The Gulf of Alaska

By Dahr Jamail It’s war in the Gulf and the U.S. Navy is on hand to protect us. No, not that Gulf! I’m talking about the Gulf of Alaska and it’s actually mock war — if, that is, you don’t…

Emerging Fear-States

By Mumia Abu-Jamal – Speech’s written for the Rosa Luxembourg Conference What is happening In America and Europe bears study and reflection. On the surface, we see a rightist drift, as fearful, resentful publics empower forms of politics that promise…

The Greek Theatre in Syracuse examines history through art

This has been a unique year for one of the most ancient Italian cities; it is as well one of the Italian towns with the most fascinating past, both for the myths concerning its origins and for the rich history…

Understanding the situation of the Middle East today : from the end of the Cold War to the aftermath of the “Arab Spring” (3/3)

To understand the situation of the Middle East today, it is necessary to go back a century in history. In effect, you must go back to the aftermath of the First World War to understand a large part of the…

17th June: Women’s march and rally to ban the bomb

Call to Action Women Ban the Bomb is a women-led initiative building on the momentum of movements at the forefront of the resistance, including the Women’s March on Washington. It will bring together people of all genders, sexual orientations, ages,…

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