

Let the media coverage of Manchester victims be a model for all young victims of war

Donald Trump, the so-called leader of the free world, made his first foreign visit as president to an absolute monarchy, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a petrostate legendary for its complete absence of democratic institutions and rampant violations of human…

DiEM25 & Yanis Varoufakis Press Conference – Berlin

On the 25th of May 2017 at 10 am the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 held a press conference at the Volksbühne in Berlin. Represented by Yanis Varoufakis and Srećko Horvat, DiEM25 presented the European New Deal, a socio-economic policy…

Report: Inside DiEM25 & the European New Deal

Sixteen months after the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 was founded by the former Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, and philosopher and activist, Srećko Horvat, a socio-economic plan called the European New Deal was presented today on 25th of May…

Radiation and gender: One basis for new nuclear weapons treaty

By the Nuclear Information and Resource Service and the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research This week, an historic nuclear weapons ban proposal was unveiled at the United Nations. The proposed agreement recognizes, for the first time, that nuclear weapons…

Ecuador: President Lenín Moreno received a spiritual baton during an indigenous ceremony

Quito, May 25 (Andes).- President Lenin Moreno received Thursday the ancestral baton during a ceremony that took place at the ancestral pyramids of Cochasqui, located in canton Pedro Moncayo, in the northern area of the province of Pichincha. Elder women and…

Jeremy Scahill & Glenn Greenwald: Criminalizing WikiLeaks is a Threat to Journalists Everywhere

Swedish prosecutors recently dropped the investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Assange has always denied the allegations, which he calls a pretext for his ultimate extradition to the U.S. to face prosecution under the Espionage…

Brazil: Temer Deploys Army to Capital Amid Massive Protests

In Brazil, President Michel Temer has authorized the deployment of the Army to the capital Brasília amid growing protests demanding the president’s ouster. On Wednesday, tens of thousands of protesters marched to Congress to demand Temer’s resignation. Some demonstrators also…

Teresa Gutierrez on Face 2 Face

On this show we speak with Teresa Gutierrez of the International Migrants Alliance and Co-Coordinator of the International Action Center. She shares with us her concern, as someone of Mexican origin, about the present administration and its discrimination against immigrants.…

Never Mind the Real Russia, It’s All about Trump: An Interview with David Swanson

Anti-war activist and author David Swanson told the author that party partisanship fuels the anti-Russian obsession among rank and file Democrats. “If the Democratic Party had made a grand cause of friendship with Russia and disarmament and ending nuclear weapons…

Never Mind the Real Russia, It’s All about Trump: An Interview with David Swanson

By Ann Garrison Anti-war activist and author David Swanson told the author that party partisanship fuels the anti-Russian obsession among rank and file Democrats. “If the Democratic Party had made a grand cause of friendship with Russia and disarmament and…

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