

SOS: Save Our Seas

On 5 to 9 June 2017, the United Nations will bring together in New York the representatives of governments, of governmental regional associations such as the Alliance of Small Island States, non-governmental organizations, private corporations, and academic institutions to study…

UK elections: Jeremy Corbyn feeling “the Bern”

‘There’s a real similarity’: Corbyn gets rousing support from Bernie Sanders. US senator praises Labour leader’s effort to transform politics and take on establishment, seeing parallels with his own campaign’ The Guardian. In spite of not officially endorsing Corbyn or…

Open letter by the Water Protectors to President Donald Trump

We are Water Protectors who fought against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). We are also engaged in struggles and movements on behalf of First Nations against fossil fuel projects that poison our land, water and damage the climate. We are…

Nuclear ban treaty: Will governments take on the nuclear arms merchants?

An international prohibition on the financing of nuclear weapons could help reverse the nuclear arms race and be a powerful tool in delegitimizing nuclear weapons, according to nuclear disarmament campaigners participating in UN negotiations on a treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons.…

What Corbyn’s debate victory tells us about bias in the British media

Des Freedman 30 May 2017 for openDemocracy What are the lessons to be learned from Corbyn’s performance on Monday night? [TV debate with all the leaders of the main Political Parties participating in the June 8th elections, except the Conservatives…

UK Conservative government licensed £4.1 billion in arms to Middle East since May 2015

As the UK prepares to go to the polls, it is worth remembering that the current UK government now under Prime Minister Theresa May, proudly sells weapons to some of the most violent abusers of human rights on the planet.…

Marking the 50th anniversary of the Six-Day War with a call to end the occupation of Palestine

In this month of the commemoration of 50 years of Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, Pax Christi International in collaboration with its members, urges the international community to call for the immediate end of the 50-year Israeli occupation and…

Sudan and Ethiopia on alert for Egyptian military strike

Sudanese and Ethiopian forces operating on the border between the two countries are in place to prepare for any offensive that Egypt might launch against Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam on the River Nile, intelligence and security sources in Khartoum have revealed…

Five hundred days a prisoner

By Samantha San Romé “Either you love or hate Milagro,” said a local when I visited Jujuy.  “But don’t believe all the bad things they say,” he added.  He didn’t say much more.  He spoke little, but enough for me…

An Open Letter to People with ‘Mental Health’ Issues

As ‘mental health’ issues gain more attention, sympathetic and otherwise, in a wide variety of contexts and countries around the world, the opportunity for inaccurate perceptions of what causes these issues, and how to treat them, are likewise expanded. So…

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