

The Sexualities Revolution

By Johan Galtung and Antonio C. S. Rosa Like the feminist revolution, this one may be said to have originated in USA.  The two are related.  There is a long, painful history.  From use and abuse of women, also inside…

Zia Mian on the Nuclear Weapons Ban and Prohibition Treaty

I had the privilege of attending the opening and penultimate sessions of the Nuclear Weapons Ban and Prohibition Treaty negotiations at the U.N. this spring and summer. And, midst considerable celebration, on July 7, representatives of the majority of the…

Not Just Black or Muslim, ALL Lives Matter!

By Dr Mansoor Durrani United States of America has been the leader of nations for a while. From fashion and food to “war on terror” other nations simply follow the leader. But people embrace American products like McDonald, Nike, iPhone…

The Spiritual Shadows of Shahidul Alam

By Shahidul Alam Bait Ur Rouf, the Bangladeshi mosque of Dhaka where this photography was done, is a work of art. The sculptural quality, the use of light, the tranquility of the space, the intelligent use of geometry and the…

Rapid ratification of the treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons needed

On 7 July 2017, at the United Nations in New York, a Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was approved in a vote by 122 member states, one member state, the Netherlands, voted against, and one, Singapore, abstained.  No…

Democracy breaks out at the UN as 122 nations vote to ban the bomb

We are witnessing a striking shift in the global paradigm of how the world views nuclear weapons. On July 7, 2017, at a UN Conference mandated by the UN General Assembly to negotiate a treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons, the…

The decline and fall of a neoliberal sacred cow

When Team Corbyn dared introduce in the UK Labour Party Manifesto a “Tax the Rich” proposal many held their breath, and were more than a little surprised that not only it did not send people into an anti-pinko frenzy but…

A despot in disguise: one man’s mission to rip up democracy

By George Monbiot for The Guardian James McGill Buchanan’s vision of totalitarian capitalism has infected public policy in the US. Now it’s being exported. It’s the missing chapter: a key to understanding the politics of the past half century. To…

Vandana Shiva: “Nonviolence builds a Resilient Spirit”

Activist Vandana Shiva launched a strong and hopeful message during the “Poison at the Doors” conference in Rome on July 10. According to the Indian scientist, 70% of the food consumed worldwide is still grown by small and medium scale…

The US Empire, The CIA, And The NGOs

By Dr Ludwig Watzal The Ancient Greeks knew: “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.” No less a figure than the late Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CIA made…

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