

Investigate and prevent killings-harassment of lawyers in Philippines

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from the Signatory organizations call on the Aquino government to investigate and prevent the killings and harassment of lawyers in the Philippines. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————-…

Occupy Democracy back in Parliament Square, London

On Saturday, Occupy Democracy will return to Parliament Square to highlight corporate influence over government foreign policy including arms sales, war and nuclear weapons The January occupation will link up with CND Wrap Up Trident action at the MoD Occupy…

How to disconnect from a source of intense irritation

The West is behaving with unspeakable physical violence against the Muslim world, just as the Western economic system is behaving with unspeakable economic violence against their own populations.  It is not a surprise that unspeakable physical violence by “terrorists” in…

London Mayor spends £250,000 supressing peaceful protests

Freedom of Information requests to Boris Johnson’s Greater London Authority and Metropolitan Police reveal that the Mayor spent nearly £250,000 [1] in October trying to prevent peaceful pro-democracy protesters [2] from protesting in Parliament Square. The documents also revealed that…

Remembering Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr celebrated his birthday on the 15th of January and on the 3rd Monday of every January the USA has a federal holiday to mark the great man. Being nearly 50 years since his assassination, we wonder…

A ‘Barbershop’ Conference to Dispel Stereotypes, Promote Gender Equality

Human Wrongs Watch 15 January 2015 – Looking to promote change in how men and boys think and talk about women’s empowerment and gender equality, the United Nations is hosting at its New York Headquarters a two-day high-level “Barbershop” event,…

Violence is always self-destructive

As boomerangs go, violence has no competitors. It always comes back, it always finds a reaction to its action. It always has consequences that are unexpected, unwanted and unstoppable. Who benefits the most from the violence unleashed by fundamentalists in…

The importance of being angry

Unfortunately, in many circles, anger has a bad reputation. There are several reasons for this. One reason is that we are scared when people are angry at us, so we try to scare people, especially children, out of being angry.…

Germany’s Muslims Unite in Solidarity with France After Charlie Hebdo Massacre

Human Wrongs Watch 12 January 2015 (RT)* — A union of Turkish imams has announced that it will organize demonstrations in front of various media organizations across Germany in solidarity with France after the deadly attack at Charlie Hebdo’s office…

A call to the people: nonviolence is the only way out!

After the recent and sad events in Paris, Convergence of Cultures would once again like to make a call to the world’s population to protect human values beyond all differences. This is a call to preserve and strengthen what has…

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