

Gandhi: ‘My life is my message’

By Robert J. Burrowes As most of the world ignores or hypocritically celebrates the 147th birthday of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi on the International Day of Nonviolence on 2 October, some of us will quietly acknowledge his life by continuing to…

Civil society must put disarmament back on the international agenda

“The world is over-armed and peace is under-funded”, said Ban Ki-moon, well to the point. This is the great challenge that the Peace Congress in Berlin will face. The question of disarmament should be put back on the international agenda…

An open letter to the people of the United States: election or revolution?

Robert J. Burrowes As citizens of the USA with a presidential election approaching you have a wonderful opportunity to ponder whether to participate in this election or to participate in the ongoing American Revolution. Your first revolution might have overthrown…

France: Outdated principles and exclusionary politics, time for a rethink?

By Beatrice Quintana Often absent from the fear-driven media frenzy surrounding the Islamic State and France’s recent terror attacks in Nice and Paris the less acknowledged reasons may be found behind the augmenting violence in France and the rest of…

Forum “Nonviolence as a force for Peace” in Brindisi

Brindisi, September 23rd-24st 2016 Palazzo Virgilio – Sala Carlo V There have been many reasons that led us to choose Brindisi as the location for this Forum. One of them is Brindisi and its history: it was from here that…

October 2, 2016: International Day of Non-Violence

Next 2nd of October we will radiate with force the message that says: “Nonviolence is the only way out” In 2007 the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) Organization, established October 2 as the “International Day of Non-Violence”. This…

Two white elephants trampling over a Health Service and other British delights, but also hope

The overpriced, uncertain, risky and technologically obsolete by the time it’s finished Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station and the useless, unaffordable, immoral and probably illegal Trident Nuclear Weapons System about to be renewed will take out of the British…

‘Hell is truth seen too late’

By AlonBen-Meir, Sep 15, 2016 Senator Bernie Sanders’ call during the primaries for a new approach to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was on-point and necessary. However, his plea for the US to adopt a policy of even-handedness in dealing with…

Why we must go to the Pentagon on September 26, 2016 A call to action from the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR):   As people of conscience and nonviolence we go to the Pentagon, the seat of the United States military might, to call for an end to the…

The Heart of Order

By Robert C. Koehler He’d left the water running, flooding neighbors’ apartments. He’d been running around outside naked. By the time police arrived, he was standing in the window of his fourth-floor apartment on Farwell Avenue — a few blocks…

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