

South Africa: 16 Days of Activism – NO to women or child abuse

  Pretoria- It is that time of the year again for 16 Days of Activism in South Africa, where Non Government Organisations (NGOs) are saying NO to women and child abuse for these 16 days from 25 November to 10…

Charter for a world without violence: violencia is foreseeable

Having finished the XV World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Barcelona, and given the level of violence and tension that the whole of humanity is experiencing these days, The charter for a world without violence presented by the Nobel…

A Culture of Peace Is the Best Alternative to Terrorism

 As the culture of war, which has dominated human civilization for 5,000 years, begins to crumble, its contradictions become more evident. This is especially so in the matter of terrorism. By David Adams, World Beyond War What is terrorism?…

Violence is a tragedy, but getting distracted by it from the road of Active Nonviolence is a double tragedy.

The voices of peace and the voices of war all have something to say about Paris. “Every time there’s a terrorist attack, Western leaders exploit that attack to do more wars,” Greenwald says. “Which in turn means they transfer huge…

‘Suffragette’ raises question of property destruction’s effectiveness

By George Lakey for Waging Nonviolence “Suffragette,” a British film now in U.S. theaters, tells a gripping story drawn from the direct action wing of Britain’s woman suffrage movement. Because it spotlights one tactic – property destruction – the film…

Paris Attacks: Violence is the problem, never the solution

The terrorist attack that took place on November 13th in Paris is another act of violence against civilians, another act of violence against all Humanity. It clearly shows that anyone and in any place in the world can become the…

الرد الإنساني ضد العنف

Arabic text of the campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence: بعد الإعتداءات الإرهابية التي عانتها مدينة باريس الليلة السابقة وَأمام التدابير التي تعتزم أخذها حكومة فرنسا و الحكومات الأوربية و حكومات الحلف الأطلسي،نُشرت اليوم رسالة في جميع…

When changing a profile picture on Facebook is not enough…

Today the Western world is reeling from the events in Paris where dozens of human beings died and hundreds have been injured. The horror of mass killings has once more hit Europe and Western media has provided 24 hour coverage,…

Campanje: Oproep tot Vrede en geweldloosheid in de sociale netwerken

Dutch version of Campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence Op de sociale netwerken begon vandaag een bericht te circuleren dat oproept tot een houding van Vrede en geweldloosheid als reactie op de aanslagen die gisteravond plaats vonden…

Közösségimédia-kampány a békéért és az erőszakmentességért

Hungarian version of Campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence Ma útjára indítunk egy üzenetet a közösségi hálózatokon keresztül, amelyben arra hívunk mindenkit, hogy békés és erőszakmentes választ adjon a tegnap esti párizsi támadásokat követően, azokat az intézkedéseket…

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