

Reflections on events in Cologne: “What we need now is a kind of internal mast”

In the aftermath of the sexual assaults attributed to refugees on New Year’s Eve in Cologne, Germany, and the subsequent outbreak of anti-refugee sentiment and violence in the country, our Editor in Berlin, Johanna Heuveling reflects on the appropriate stance…

New international gathering in the mountains, January 2016

Once more we gathered together in the mountains, numerous siloists, humanists and Messengers (mainly) as it was their invitation: Meeting of Messengers in Punta de Vacas Park, 2nd, 3rd and 4th of January. Numerous friends came together, as participants in…

USA and North Korea infected with the same disease

At first sight it would seem that there couldn’t be two countries more different than the third-generation dictatorship of North Korea and the 200-year old democracy of the United States of America. Instead of accepting the strong propaganda of both…

Confessions of a Terrorist Sympathiser

I confess that I am a terrorist sympathiser. Of course, it is a profanity, a kind of blasphemy, to admit to such a thing, perhaps the greatest blasphemy in our society at the present time. Some may also consider that…

Humanity and compassion are better ways to resolve conflicts

Constructive intelligence a smarter choice to finding peace in the world. Some maintain that intelligence acquired by the U.S. government, with methods ranging from torture to collection of Americans’ phone data, is necessary to prevent another 9/11. But let’s be…

Pre-deciding to not use violence

As loving parents who raised two children during the era of the Vietnam War, we were inspired by the work of child psychologist Haim Ginott who observed: “Misbehavior and punishment are not opposites that cancel each other. On the contrary,…

Conflict transformation across cultures

The above was the title of a meeting of younger minds in Nepal, December 8-18, 20, as graduate in development studies (University of Dhaka) Arup Barua explains: “The major problems that the world is confronting now are emerging from deep-rooted…

Give us a Sign!

A Peace Sign, to be more precise, a Living Peace Sign is coming to London! We are tired of wars, of spending £100 billion in replacing a useless Trident Nuclear Missiles System whilst Hospitals are struggling because “there is no…

Democracy and Nonviolence go hand-in-hand

Democracy and Non-Violence go hand-in-hand, or should. In a true democracy there would be no violence and that is the strongest indicator of its presence. Conversely, in situations, whether political or other, non-violence is apparent when everything is running smoothly…

No to War! Call for Peaceful Nonviolent Resistance to UK’s Air Strikes against Syria

By Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate* Human Wrongs Watch 7 December 2015 – TRANSCEND Media Service – On 2nd December, 2015 the United Kingdom Parliament voted to bomb Syria and the world watched as British planes, equipped with the latest…

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