

‘Up all night’ Protests sweep France as 100,000 join Pro-Democracy Movement

This movement was not born and will not die in Paris…It has no limit, no border and it belongs to all of those who wish to be part of it.’ by Lauren McCauley, staff writer for Common Dreams A police crackdown…

Ending human violence is a task for each of us

Do you think that ending human violence is impossible? Do you believe that even aiming to do so is unrealistic? Well, you might be right. But you might also be interested to know that there are a lot of people…

April 4th: anniversary of assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. studied the writings of Mahatma Gandhi during his student days, and realised that Gandhi’s methods of non-violent resistance were the correct tools to use to gain civil rights for poor minorities. To those who accused him…

TiSA and the Banks

Just when you thought you were beginning to get a handle on TTIP, TPP, CETA and other ‘free’ trade agreements coming our way, the newest and perhaps most secretive of the bunch is raising its ugly head. ‘The agreement covers…

Slutwalk, Quito, Ecuador 2016

On Saturday 19th of March the 5th annual Slutwalk (la Marcha de las Putas) took place in Quito, Ecuador. Hundreds of men, women, boys and girls, young and old marched through the streets of Quito calling for respect for diversity…

Statement of conscientious objectors’ groups from the Eastern Mediterranean region

Pressenza republishes this statement published on the “No to Compulsory Military Service Movement” website. We are conscientious objectors from all around the eastern Mediterranean region. Our region has suffered for so long from oppression, injustice, militarisation, military occupations and wars,…

Attacks in Brussels: no way out through violence.

We strongly condemn the attacks carried out today in Brussels, as we condemn all wars, wherever they may be. It is with immense sadness and great determination that we express our solidarity to the victims and their loved ones. With…

NATO wars, refugees and terrorism cannot be seen in isolation from one another: Europe must give a coherent response

Once more we witness acts of terrorism in Europe. These events in western cities killing European citizens are horrific in the eyes of the western media. They should be condemned and all peace-loving human beings condemn them. We in Pressenza…

How empathy, not protest, can defeat Trump and right-wing extremism

By George Lakey In Orson Scott Card’s great 1985 strategy novel “Ender’s Game,” a boy named Ender enters a training school where students learn skills for outwitting an opponent. They play computer games that become ever more challenging. The stakes…

Understanding self-hatred in world affairs

If you have ever wondered why the global elite hoards their wealth instead of using it to help break down the violence and injustice in our world, I would like to suggest an answer to your question: self-hatred. If you…

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