

Gene Sharp — the lonely scholar who became a nonviolent warrior

By George Lakey February 1, 2018 Once again I rang the bell at the brick row house in East Boston where Gene Sharp lived. When he opened the door I said proudly, “Today I drove here instead of taking the…

The Trials of Africa and the Real Dr. King They Want Us to Forget

On January 15, millions of Americans commemorated Martin Luther King’s Day. His famous speech, ‘I Have a Dream’ was repeated numerous times in media outlets as a reminder of the evil of racism, which is being resurrected in a most…

Why Fear and Self-hatred Destroy Human Sharing and Solidarity

As our world spirals deeper into an abyss from which it is becoming increasingly difficult to extricate ourselves, some very prominent activists have lamented the lack of human solidarity in the face of the ongoing genocide of the Rohingya. See…

Frankenfacebook does it again

“Mark Zuckerberg sets toughest new year’s goal yet: fixing Facebook: CEO reveals this year’s ‘personal challenge’ as site faces relentless criticism over spreading of misinformation and damage to users’ mental health… this “personal challenge” for 2018 will be “to focus on…

To Liberate Cambodia

A long-standing French protectorate briefly occupied by Japan during World War II, Cambodia became independent in 1953 as the French finally withdrew from Indochina. Under the leadership of Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodia remained officially neutral, including during the subsequent US…

Yael Deckelbaum & The Mothers: “Home” – Explore together the Humanity that unites us

What politicians haven’t been able to achieve in years, women are achieving with the power of music. It is a force that unites, beyond any language, nationality or political view. A force which can be stronger than a thousand words,…

Peru and Fujimori: still far away from reconciliation

The latest protests by the people of Peru in recent days as a response to the amnesty given for “humanitarian” reasons to former President Alberto Fujimori, highlight the common feeling of rage against the mockery and abuse of the word…

Youth mobilization challenges election fraud in Honduras

By Jeff Abbott December 22, 2017 The anger and frustration in the streets of Honduras following the controversial November 26 presidential election is palpable. Everyone seems to have an opinion about the electoral process, which was marked by accusations of fraud…

Human peace and nonviolence symbols in schools

In the Nonviolence Conference to prepare the 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence, the continuation was announced of a campaign started last year in which more than 10,000 pupils in 54 schools participated in human peace and nonviolence symbols.…

Violence Against Women: Why the UN Secretary-General Got it Wrong

In his remarks on the recent International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – see ‘Violence Against Women is Fundamentally About Power’ – United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres inadvertantly demonstrated why well-meaning efforts being undertaken globally to reduce…

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