

6th Nonviolent Initiatives Fair in Quito, Ecuador.

On Saturday, 28th of October, more than 25 organisations and collectives developing projects and actions to overcome violence and discrimination, contributing to the construction of a culture of peace, took part in the 6th Nonviolent Initiatives Fair, the final act…

A Nonviolent Strategy to End Violence and Avert Human Extinction

Around the world activists who are strategic thinkers face a daunting challenge to effectively tackle the multitude of violent conflicts, including the threat of human extinction, confronting human society in the early 21st century. I wrote that ‘activists who are…

The significance of personal relations between young people for Peace building

Interview with Prof. Lothar Krappmann by Arthur Kisitu Prof. Lothar Krappmann, before retiring, was a researcher on child development at the Max-Planck Institute in Berlin, Germany and was for many years an expert in the UN commission of the Rights…

Why Martin Luther King’s trip to Tyneside still matters 50 years on

Brian Ward, Northumbria University, Newcastle : The Conversation While controversy about the removal of Confederate memorials in the US rumbles on, in the north-east of England, plans to honour one of the US South’s most famous sons are coming to fruition.…

Preparatory conference for the 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence

Ever since the end of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence eight years ago, many questions have been asked about the possibility of doing a Second World March. This is not an insignificant issue given that the world today…

Demonstration for the liberation of Cuixart and Sànchez, dignity in front of totalitarianism

By Enric Feliu, Images by Esperanza Fernándes, Daniel Cruz and Krystyna Schreiber “The streets will always be ours”. This is the slogan that resonated on Paseo de Gracia [Barcelona] this afternoon, from the throats of hundreds of thousands of people who…

I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar

“I am woman, hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore.” Helen Reddy sang those words in 1972, providing an anthem to the rising women’s movement. Forty-five years later, the song could serve as the score to a movie…

Tribulations in Catalonia: the empire strikes back

Diary of a mere mortal in Catalonia Tuesday, 17th of October, 2017.  Just when it seemed that the impasse was breaking; a short pause to allow everyone to take a breather…  Shazam!  The Spanish government imprisons two of the leaders…

Israeli and Palestinian women march for Peace

Journey to Peace – press release, 2 October 2017 by Women Wage Peace

How to humanise the dehumanised: journalism for peace and nonviolence

Pressenza Workshop at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum June 2017 in Bonn, Germany. What is the engine of discrimination and dehumanization? Can it be stopped or reversed? What are the lessons learned by people that study and work on…

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