

Oddest bedfellows Natanyaju and Hamas continue their Orwellian death dance.

Apparently they are the worst enemies. They speak of one another in the most horrid and dehumanising epithets. But as it often happens, which was so well described by George Orwell, the enemy without is used to keep control of…

Why Activists Fail

Despite enormous ongoing effort over more than a thousand years, during and since the formation and shaping of the modern world, and as the number of issues being contested has steadily increased, activists of many types have made insufficient progress…

Algeria: how peaceful protests can change a troubled nation

Abdelbaqi Ghorab, Lancaster University for The Conversation Peaking after Friday prayers, streets across Algeria have been flooded with protesters demanding change in recent weeks. They are demanding an end to the 20-year rule of president Abdelaziz Bouteflika, who has now…

More than a million people march in London to stop Brexit

News in Pictures. Photographs by Anna Swinden for Pressenza. Prime Minister Theresa May is under fire for the debacle and chaos created by her inability to establish effective Brexit negotiations, alienating in the process Parliament and a great part of…

Happy New Year Iran without sanctions or walls!

The collective “See you in Iran” sent us a message for the next Nowruz (new year in the Persian calendar, to be held in Iran coinciding with the spring equinox). It is a video denouncing sanctions and walls. “In the…

Love Letter from Smoky Kabul: Nonviolent Versus Violent Peace in Afghanistan and the World

By Dr Hakim* Dear friends, “Salam (peace)!” is how Afghans greet one another, some of them simultaneously placing a hand over their hearts. But, while everyone including Afghans wants peace, the Afghan Peace Volunteers and I have observed that the…

Israel/Palestine: Combatants for Peace newsletter, February 2019

“We must not be afraid to take responsibility. We the ones with the power: it is up to us to do what is right” Dear 2019 begun for us with a series of new activities. House meetings with Israel &…

Kashmir: What Would Gandhi Say?

By John Scales Avery We are on the brink of a disaster What would Mahatma Gandhi say about the threat of war between India and Pakistan,  which has brought the two nations and the world to the brink of a…

The Triumphant Homecoming of Angela Davis

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” Martin Luther King Jr. wrote in his Letter From Birmingham Jail on April 16, 1963. King was arrested there for his role in organizing nonviolent protests against segregation, which were being led…

One Billion Rising, 2019: From a Campaign to End Violence against Women to a Way of Life.

Valentine’s Day. In Manila, Philippines, thousands of students at St. Scholastica Manila take part in One Billion Rising 2019, a global campaign that aims to end the violence against women and children worldwide. In another part of the city, the…

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