

Activists Demand: Defend Black Lives, Defund the Police

Protest against police terror across the United States over the last two weeks is beginning to produce change. George Floyd’s murder by Minneapolis police drove hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people into the streets, demanding both justice for Floyd…

Black Lives Matter Demo in Budapest

On June 7, 2020, about one thousand people gathered on Szabadság tér (Liberty Square) in Budapest to express their solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement in front of the US Embassy. The event was organized by Gregory G Ras and…

The Elite’s COVID-19 Coup to Destroy Humanity that is also Fast-Tracking Four Paths to Human Extinction

The global elite is conducting a coup that is designed to destroy all of the key elements of human society. It is doing this by destroying the essence of what it means to be human, by destroying the nature of…

Disarm the system of violence, discrimination and racism, the new inspiration for our species

“The faith in the future of the human is rooted in an understanding of the direction of history that began with our hominid ancestors.” (Silo, Letter to my friends p.45, 1995) Caring for others is rooted in human structure Many…

George Floyd, Presente!

“We’re here today because George Floyd is not here,” Keith Ellison, Minnesota’s first African American Attorney General, said on Wednesday afternoon. “He should be here. He should be alive, but he’s not.” Ellison then announced he was elevating the charge…

This is what Nonviolence Looks Like in NYC

Nonviolence has always been placed “outside” of our societies, and instead we’ve invested considerable resources in developing sophisticated equipment to keep us “safe”. But in front of this crisis and the unrest that goes with it, new faces and new…

We Need Web Developers to Support Our Peace and Nonviolence Journalism

Pressenza is a collaborative press agency, where each person devotes their time and knowledge to a common project that goes beyond us: the humanization of journalism. Provide information that goes in the direction of solidarity, awareness, action, and non-violence. Since…

Open letter to U.N. Secretary-General H. E. Mr. António Guterres and in copy to the U.N. General Assembly

His Excellency Mr. Antonio Guterres Secretary-General United Nations Headquarters New York City Dear Mr. Secretary-General, We are writing to you as International Fellowship of Reconciliation, a global movement seeking to transform, through nonviolence, the world away from endless cycles of…

Face 2 Face with Guido Dettoni

On the show we speak with Guido Dettoni, a multi-disciplinary artist, about one his work HANDSMATTER. In this piece, Guido has participants shape wax while blindfolded as a way to help them reach internal spaces where memories and emotions resurface…

UN chief calls on religious leaders to unite in the fight against COVID-19

Religious leaders of all faiths are being urged by the UN Secretary-General to join forces and work for peace around the world and focus on the common battle to defeat COVID-19. António Gutteres made the call in a special appeal issued…

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