

Blockade of Cuba, is an act of brutality and anti-humanism that has been going on for 60 years now

From 2 to 3 April, a 24-hour virtual media marathon took place to show solidarity with the Cuban people and to demand the immediate lifting of the US blockade against Cuba, an aggression that began in 1962. Hundreds of media,…

Kings Bay Plowshares 7 and supporters Walk for Peace and Nuclear Abolition

On this, the 54th anniversary of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination and in commemorating the life and witness of one of our nation’s greatest apostles of peace and nonviolence. From Riverside Church- the site where Dr. King first…

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. – April 4, 1967 – Beyond Vietnam: A Time To Break Silence [Full Speech]

55 YEARS AGO TODAY, Martin Luther King delivered what’s been called his ‘most dangerous speech.’ ‘Beyond Vietnam’ not only questioned the US war in Vietnam. He linked racial injustice to US imperialism. Exactly to the day the next, MLK was…

Ultimatum to Putin and Zelensky: stop the war

European nonviolent pacifists issue an ultimatum to the warring parties: – stop the war immediately, declare a cease-fire, allow humanitarian organisations to come to the rescue – start all-out negotiations to resolve the dispute between Russia and Ukraine. If you…

The courage to refrain from violence on the road to peace

Starting a war or initiating violent action goes hand in hand with the conviction of those who seek justice, repair the damage caused or impose order. The use of force is resorted to from a position of superiority and power…

War or peace?

We deplore Russia’s military aggression in the country of Ukraine, whilst we are aware of the multiple economic and political interests that paved the way for and that are driving the conflict. Our priority is to stop the war, save…

Budapest for Peace!

Under this slogan, people with torches formed a peace sign on Heroes’ Square in Budapest yesterday. After the Humanist Movement first called for such an event in March 2004, which was imitated in many countries, Greenpeace invited Hungary to this…

My existential experience of the war in Ukraine

I write this brief note thinking of the hundreds, perhaps thousands of people like me who have suffered and continue to suffer the psychological and moral torture of having been pushed to live through a war and to take sides…

War in Europe again

Unfortunately, we are once again at war in Europe. What a culture we have that does not know how to resolve its conflicts peacefully! What a terrible history of wars we have in our culture! By Juan Espinosa I have…

Violence against women: prevention is better than suffering its consequences

These days we are exposed by TV, the media and social networks to the violence of war. Other times it is a femicide, as in the case of Ámbar Cornejo in 2020, or a contract killing as is becoming common…

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