

War Objection Campaign: a step forward

Good news from Lithuania for the Belarusian objector: Vitali is free again as of today, pending appeal. Dvarashyn Vitali, the Belarusian conscientious objector who had been locked up in the Lithuanian refugee camp in Vilnius due to the revocation of…

Simultaneous social and personal transformation, historical view of violence, The Counterculture of violence = The Culture of Nonviolence = The Culture of Consciousness

Intervention by Philippe Moal (Observatory of Nonviolence) Good afternoon, everyone, I would like to thank Multimages, the organisers of the Book Festival for Peace and Nonviolence and its participants, as well as the guests with whom I am sharing this…

Deconstructing the myth of violence. An investigation of the effectiveness of civil resistance

At a time when not only has war returned even to Europe, but bellicism – that is, the ideology of war – has taken on an unprecedented media and political centrality in our country’s [i.e. Italy’s] republican history, the Italian…

The Exercise of the Charism of Infallibility Is Here and Now a Mandatum of Christlike Love: Infallibility and War

No one inside or outside the Catholic Church can reasonably call into question the good intentions of Popes who have denounced war on the world stage and who have proclaimed in encyclicals and pastoral letters the evils and destruction of war, and who…

Let’s Stand with Peace, and Shame on Peace Deniers

Speeches of Dr. Yurii Sheliazhenko at the International Summit for Peace in Ukraine A speech on the plenary “Civil Society Movement and Peace Voices against the War from Russia and Ukraine” Dear friends, greetings from Kyiv. And what a honor…

International Solidarity with the Zapatista Community Moisés Gandhi

National and international statement in response to the aggression against the community of Moses Gandhi To the peoples of Mexico and the world  To the individuals, collectivities and peoples who defend Life  To those who feel the urgency to act…

Nonviolent Journalism Discussion with Tony Robinson

This interview is spearheaded by nonviolent journalism students of Pressenza: Mo Mosey an actor and production assistant from Australia; Vhyxcent Cruz a pre-service teacher and writer from the Philippines; and Tesnim Grira an environmental activist and writer from Tunisia. In…

A cry for peace from Romagna wounded but not bent by floods

On Sunday, May 21, 2023, a bus will leave from Forlì, Forlimpopoli and Cesena to join the marchers of the National Peace March Perugia-Assisi 2023 entitled: “Let’s Transform the Future!” with the theme of war in Europe, ongoing wars around…

Gandhi between degrowth, nonviolence and deep ecology. Interview with Gloria Germani – Part II

Mahatma Gandhi’s thought and political action represent the highest expression of the Indian cultural movement that aimed at the full reaffirmation of the essential values of the Hindu tradition against the slavish imitation of Western ideas, which had been developing…

The Interactive Exhibition “Peace and Active Nonviolence Now!” in Huancayo

In the framework of the VII International Book Fair of Huancayo (FILH) which opens this May 26th in central Peru, the Centro de Estudios Humanistas Nueva Civilización will present the Interactive Exhibition “Peace and Active Nonviolence Now!” to improve the…

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