

Protest, repression and nonviolence in Greece

Since protests began in Spain, Athenians started to demonstrate in Syntagma Square (25th of May 2011), together with demonstrations in more than 30 cities across the country. We spent more than a month with a consistently large crowd gathered daily at the bottom of the square, where open assemblies practicing direct democracy were organized. The open meetings continued…

Neil Young’s Book of Changes

by Ken Butigan I raise my hand in peace I never bow to the laws of the thought police I take a holy vow To never kill again
 To never kill again. –Neil Young, “Living with War” How can we…

A good day for shaking prejudices

The interesting thing about a piece of good news that defies apparently established prejudice, discrimination and even a state of undeclared war is that it can “shock” us out of our acceptance that “things are the way they are”, people…

Islam – Violence and Non-violence

Media loves to project Islam as most violent religion, and certainly more violent than any other religion in the world and certainly so compared to Christianity, if not any other religion as far as western media is concerned. Journalism, even…

In Spain, doctors resist by healing

Some of Spain’s hospitals and clinics have recently begun offering a new kind of public service. In an effort to defend the threatened health care system, thousands of doctors and their supporters have chosen to add civil disobedience to their…

The time has come!

Montserrat Ponsa i Tarrés, journalist and member of the Culture and Peace Foundation, gives testimony in this article of the reasons that led her to participate in the 1st World March for Peace and Nonviolence.

World Peace March to start from most peaceful nation on earth

Global Peace Index gives top ranking to New Zealand, the launching site of the 95-nation peace march.

The Spanish National Organization of the Blind will provide 36 million lottery tickets to support WM

The Spanish National Organization of the Blind (ONCE) will support the World March by providing three different lottery tickets which refers the issue.”

15.000 Youths Walk for Change in Canada

On May 15th, 15.000 youths walked in solidarity to express their civic involvement in the streets of Montreal, Canada. This event was organized by Club 2/3, the youth division of Oxfam Quebec. These young people walked in support of the populations in the poorest countries and of environmental issues. They are aware that individual and collective actions have a positive impact on their future and on future generations.

“What cause could be more important than peace”

The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, formalized his endorsement of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence in a meeting that took place with the Latin American spokesperson for Humanism, Tomas Hirsch.

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