

Anti-fracking social media closed but cyberbullying flourishing

“Fracking  or hydraulic fracturing is the fracturing of rock by a pressurised liquid in which typically water is mixed with sand and chemicals, and the mixture is injected at high pressure to create small fractures to extract  such as gas…

The revelations behind Bradley Manning revelations. Social media showing the same warning signs.

Bradley Manning has been convicted of espionage but acquitted of aiding the enemy in a military court-martial. WikiLeaks’s founder, Julian Assange, said the conviction against a whistleblower was a “dangerous precedent… Bradley Manning’s alleged disclosures have exposed war crimes, sparked…

“No hunger” initiative in Damascus

On the first day of Ramadan, many young people in Damascus started a volunteer initiative to feed the poor people in the city, victims of the internal war. In one day 750 meals were cooked and distributed. A restaurant owner…

The Instinct of Conservation of the Species

By Godi Gutierrez What does it mean, all these demonstrations, protests, and manifestations that is now happening around the world this past two years? People watching on the sidelines, or on their televisions at home are asking: what do these…

The silent protest of the standing men in Taksim Square

Here is a video of Andrea Di Grazia shot on June 20, 2013, in Taksim Square, Istanbul. The silent protest in Taksim Square goes on. At any time of the day dozens of people stop in silence, watching the portrait…

New WHO report on gender violence : Thoughts on improving prevention

”WHO report highlights violence against women as a ‘global health problem of epidemic proportions’ New clinical and policy guidelines launched to guide health sector response See the full Report here on 20 June 2013 | Geneva – Physical or…

Turkey – dynamics of stillness

Dear friends, The latest news from Turkey is that in many cities in Turkey now the people are standing still, without moving, also in Ankara and Istanbul, in squares, in streets, in malls, in courts and all kind of other…

Daniel Suarez: The kill decision shouldn’t belong to a robot

[divide] Autonomous killing machines are being developed by the US military, and drones are being built now in many countries. The surveillance revelations point to several possible scenarios in which mechanical devices divorced from human control by design or by…

The Spanish Roots of the 99%

By Jeffrey Lawrence On September 19th, 2011, Luis Moreno-Caballud and Begoña Santa-Cecilia returned to their apartment after three days of intense discussions and assemblies in New York City’s Zuccotti Park. As members of Occupy Wall Street’s original Outreach Committee, they…

President Obama speaks at the National Defense University on May 23

A presidential war speech often doubles as a gauge of the antiwar movement’s weakness or strength. This was borne out again last week when President Obama delivered what the administration billed as amajor address on the wars over which he is…

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