

As fracking expands in the UK, so does resistance

Kate Aronoff, August 5, 2014, for Waging Nonviolence As of last week, energy companies will once again be invited to explore and bid on shale gas reserves in the United Kingdom. Under “exceptional circumstances,” they can even submit applications to…

Despite danger, Iraqis unite to protest religious persecution by Islamic State

Mariam Elba, August 8, 2014, for Waging Nonviolence Iraqis are taking to the streets and to social media to protest the persecution of Christians by the Islamic State — the fringe extremist group formerly known as ISIS. Since the group…

Syrian Refugee Women Tell Stories about Sexual Exploitation in Lebanon

01 August 2014 – The Syrian refugee woman huddled in the latest room she calls home, a peeling, run-down place outside a north Lebanese village. The mother of six doesn’t know how she’ll pay the rent. She’s gotten by over…

It’s doable: Peace Israel-Palestine in Hebrew

Translated from the English version by Shani Manor

An Open Letter to My Palestinian Friends

By Robert J. Burrowes*.- As my heart bleeds for those of you suffering in Gaza and elsewhere in Palestine, I want to add my voice to those who are encouraging you to consider revising your strategy of resistance to Israeli…

Jews & Arabs Refuse To Be Enemies

New York, 08/11/2014 The social group #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies got together today outside of the United Nations for a silent protest to hold the leaders of the world, the professionals who promised peace and security, accountable for their failures and in the…

World without Wars calls on world governments to put into effect a “Uniting for Peace Resolution (377)” at the UN General Assembly

World without Wars and Violence, Humanist Organisation Press Release Every Israeli and every Palestinian is a sacred being. The recent ceasefire attempted to bring an end to four weeks of fighting that killed nearly 1,900 Palestinians, mostly civilians. Sixty-four Israeli…

It’s doable: Peace Israel-Palestine (1)

This article was first published on TFF PressInfo Violence is a dead end Look at the violence in Gaza today, DR Congo (6 million dead), Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia etc: Isn’t it obvious that the world needs a completely new…

The Day After the Revolution

In Nonviolent revolution, People’s government, People’s revolution Tags: abolish death penalty, bring down income inequality, down with the one percent, equality for all, free health care for all, government of the people by the people for the people, green economy,…

How Can We Destroy Love?

By Robert J. Burrowes* Love is a serious problem in our world. There is too much of it. So I want to explain how we can destroy it systematically. If we can destroy love completely, we can destroy life on…

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