

It’s time for a new political and economic system – A conversation with Gar Alperovitz

By Geoff Gilbert May 13, 2015 for Waging Nonviolence Our society’s institutions are in crisis — with looming ecological collapse, historic concentration of capital, incarceration rates far beyond those of any other country, the diminishing civil liberties that come along…

Nigeria bans Female Genital Mutilation

Goodluck Jonathan signed the ban into law as one of his final acts as president before handing power over to Muhammadu Buhari, who was sworn into office last Friday. “According to 2014 U.N. data, a quarter of Nigerian women have…

Orange Day 2015: UNiTE to End Violence against Women

This 25 May, we wear orange and shed light on the power of Internet and mobile technology, as part of the UNiTE campaign to End Violence against Women and girls, says UN Women. The UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence…

Why Elites Love Drones

I sometimes read that drone strikes are counterproductive to western security interests because each person killed by a drone results in more new ‘terrorists’. See, for example, ‘The more civilians US drones kill in the Mideast, the more radicals they…

Intolerance in the 21st Century

The intolerance in the 21st Century is different from the religious intolerance of the Dark Ages. Intolerance in the Dark Ages hated intellect, science and reason. Intolerance of the modern age can slap the face of anybody, anywhere, anytime without…

Corruption: the hidden paradigm

“Ethos” is a Greek word that can help us to comprehend that collective, profound and paradigmatic image that drives human actions in a certain direction. It’s like an essence that manifests itself in social behaviour without us being aware of…

Presentation of the Colombian Peace Process at the London School of Economics

Professor Michael Cox, director of IDEAS at the London School of Economics introduced on May 12th Mr Sergio Jaramillo Caro, key negotiator in the Colombian Peace Process between the Government and the FARC guerrillas taking place in Havana, to an…

Peace Lessons: how to reduce violence

If you are interested in learning more about the meaning of, and the relationshipsamong, direct, structural and cultural violence and how one peace studies scholar suggests we use the integrative power of nonviolence to address violence constructively, then I suggest…

Real nonviolence is a weapon Baltimore police wouldn’t want to face

By Kate Aronoff for Waging Nonviolence. On Saturday night, Barack and Michelle Obama gathered with some of the country’s most well-respected journalists, comedians and celebrities in Washington, D.C., for the White House Press Correspondents Dinner, an annual event notorious for…

2015 Women’s Walk for Peace in Korea

On May 24, 2015, thirty international women peacemakers from around the world will walk with Korean women, north and south, to call for an end to the Korean War and for a new beginning for a reunified Korea. We will…

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