

No Give and Yes Take: Once again, France tightens visa restrictions on Tunisians and rejects their applications over ambiguous reasons.

Even though the right to mobility is one of the fundamental rights stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a significant number of Tunisians find themselves deprived of such a right, even after fulfilling all the bureaucratic procedures for…

Pope Francis in RAI TV Studios, Nicolò Govoni: “Talking About Education With Him Has Always Been My Dream”

The founder of Still I Rise met the Pontiff in the studios of “A Sua immagine” (In His image), during the recording of the episode La Forza della Vita, aired on the Italian TV channel Raiuno on Sunday, June 4.…

The Ancient Patterns of Migration

We live in an era of mass migration. According to the United Nations’ World Migration Report 2022, there were 281 million international migrants in 2020, equaling 3.6 percent of the global population. That’s well over twice the number in 1990…

“Put Yourselves in My Place”: Migrants and their Defenders in Chile Call for a Policy Shift

By Maxine Lowy In a house of a verdant upscale neighborhood of Santiago, Chile, Nancy accompanies a retiree. In Venezuela she was a nurse, until basic materials- alcohol, cotton, syringes, and food to prepare healthy meals for patients- became scarce,…

Put yourself in my shoes

Today, talking to two firemen while I was filling up my car with petrol, I brought up the subject of migrants and they both said that they were the country’s biggest problem, and one of them referred to migrants with…

Racist Italy closes its doors to migrants as it empties itself of its own resources

The Italian parliament has just passed a controversial law to crack down on irregular immigration. Known as the Cutro decree, after the southern Calabria town where more than 90 people died in a shipwreck in February, the legislation severely limits…

Fiji hosts international conference “Celebrating the life of the Girmitiyas”.

Girmitiyas” are all people whose ancestry dates back to the Indian system of forced labour contracts (1834-1921). There are an estimated 12-15 million descendants worldwide, although there are no confirmed figures. The Indian indenture system was a system of servitude…

No human being is illegal!

This week Chile and Peru decreed a state of emergency on their borders due to the migratory situation that is being experienced, in a deplorable action, and which deepens the signs of failed states, without the capacity to assume the…


The presence of displaced Syrian refugees in Lebanon is becoming a political issue in Beirut. Racist campaigns against their presence have been countered by demonstrations of solidarity. The government has made the decision to repatriate all those who are not…

Neverland: foresight and courage on refugees

The president of Centro Astalli, Father Camillo Ripamonti, appeals to “foresight” and “courage” in the introductory pages of the 2023 Annual Report on Refugees, now in its 22nd edition. By Miriam Rossi Characteristics are needed to look to the future…

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