

Migrations and solutions

I postulate that nobody initially wants to leave their countries, homes, customs, and families. Man is a social and gregarious animal and the bonds that are generated with those close to him, nuclear family and close friends, is a union…

Stop torture and inhumane treatment at Europe’s borders

Launched a European mobilization by associations, movements, committees, parties, activists, volunteers, activists with the instrument of the ECI, the European Citizens’ Initiative. We are activists of Stop Border Violence, an Association formed in January last year, to promote an ECI…

Spain condemned for illegally returning migrant minors

The Administrative Chamber of the Spanish Supreme Court has condemned Spain for the return of eight unaccompanied migrant minors in August 2021. This followed the migration crisis in May of the same year, in which approximately 12,000 people, including more…

Transnational networks: key to countering the erosion of democracy, says Paolo Sosa

On La Mula TV’s “Al Filo”, the political scientist highlights the importance of international connections in the fight for democracy in Peru. By: Political scientist Paolo Sosa, in his recent appearance on La Mula TV’s “Al Filo” programme, emphasised…

Tunisia: expulsions and arrests of sub-Saharan migrants

Human rights and migrants’ rights organisations and collectives have raised an accusatory alert against the Tunisian government and claim that there is a repressive campaign “to satisfy European blackmail and guarantee a constant flow of financial and logistical support”. According…

Mexico: more than 8,000 people advance towards Oaxaca in migrant caravan

The more than 8,000 Central and South American migrants who make up the migrant caravan known as the “Exodus of Poverty” continued their journey early this morning from the municipality of Escuintla to Mapastepec, in Chiapas, to reach the state…

French Lawmakers Adopt Regressive Immigration Bill

New Legislation is an Attack on Migrants’ Rights, a Concession to the Far Right Eva Cossé France’s lawmakers have adopted an immigration bill that may have a devastating impact on the rights of asylum seekers and migrants in France. Under pressure from…

Bangladesh: Remittance inflow surges in the second half of December: Positive for the economy

A recent increase in remittances, touching $1.07 billion during December 1-15, 2023, underlines significant support for our foreign exchange reserves. This significant increase not only indicates promising growth but also reveals a resilient pattern in remittance flows. As Bangladesh navigates…

International Migrants Day reveals migrants’ tragic reality worldwide

International Migrants Day: 18 December 2023 reveals migrants’ tragic reality worldwide. Desiring a brighter future for oneself and one’s family is not a crime. The obstacles come when individuals who want to legally migrate to areas that provide greater opportunities—such…

Greece: 6 Months On, No Justice for Pylos Shipwreck

Authorities Need to Learn Lessons to Avert Future Deaths at Sea Official investigations into credible allegations that the Hellenic Coast Guard’s actions and omissions contributed to the shipwreck and loss of life off Pylos, Greece six months ago have made…

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