

Day of National Fasting On Friday, April  10, 2020

Samaj Sevaks, constructive organizations and Gandhians from across the country have strongly felt the need to atone, at the time of this Corona Crisis, for the sins that we have committed against migrant workers. We are all jointly responsible for…

Measures against COVID-19 need to include refugees and migrants

WHO Regional Office for Europe A new publication highlights the importance of addressing the needs of refugees and migrants when preparing for or responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Refugees and migrants, particularly those who are displaced and/or living in camps…

#LeaveNoOneBehind: Prevent the Corona catastrophe now – also at the external borders!

If you want to help with donations, you can do so here: To meet this Coronavirus crisis, we need solidarity. Coronavirus will hit especially hard for those who already have difficulties. That includes refugees at Europe’s external borders, as…

Japanese American Activists Hold National Day of Action to Release All Immigrants in Detention Facing Threat of Covid-19

Tsuru For Solidarity is joining Detention Watch Network’s #FreeThemAll campaign to release immigrants in ICE detention to prevent migrant jails from becoming epicenters of COVID-19 spread. In doing so, Tsuru For Solidarity will share stories of how illness and disease…

Cardinal denounces: “We in Europe give money to Turkey so refugees don’t annoy us”

In Europe “we give money to Turkey so refugees don’t annoy us”, a cardinal has denounced. By Cameron Doody Key points – “I don’t see much difference with the wall Trump is building on the border with Mexico” – “People…

Treat migrants with dignity and respect during pandemic: UN migration agency

The importance of treating migrants with dignity and respect has not changed, UN migration agency (IOM), spokesperson Joel Millman has told UN News, adding that the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on migrants, highly represented in the food industry,…

Letter to the President of the European Parliament: stop the violence against refugees in Greece

The board of directors of We Are Odv has decided to write to the President of the European Parliament David Sassoli taking up the text published in the social media on March 2 by the association Refugee 4 Refugees, which…

The European Parliament must intervene to stop violence, the use of force and human rights violations at the EU-Turkey border

We call on the European Parliament and the political groups representing the EU citizens to stop violence and the use of force against defenseless people at the EU-Turkey border and to restore legality and respect for human rights, firstly the…

Greece: Thousands of people march with solidarity for refugees and immigrants

Massive attendance of more than six thousand people took part in a solidarity march for refugees and migrants in the center of Athens last afternoon. The call on the march was clear: “We stand with solidarity with refugees and immigrants…

The Borders are Killing, Open the Borders!

Hundreds of groups and organizations worldwide sign multilingual Statement demanding peace, fundamental rights and freedoms of every person on the move. Five years after the so-called “refugee crisis” and almost four years after the EU-Turkey deal, we are once again witnessing…

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