

Fort Bliss and Biden Administration on the Wrong Side of History

Over 100 people attend rally at Fort Bliss to demand child detention ends now Immigrant rights advocates in Texas are demanding the Biden-Harris Administration immediately stop detaining immigrant children at the Ft. Bliss “emergency intake site” as well as the…

No Bliss in Child Detention: End All Detention Now!

More than a dozen immigrant rights organizations in Texas will hold a rally to end all child detention at Fort Bliss where 2,500 children are being held in inhumane conditions and without adequate supervision, services, and medical care. Rally: 9 a.m.…

Voices at the Border

Samos has, for many years, been viewed as an ‘emergency’ situation. As the number of people ‘housed’ in the Reception and Identification Centre (RIC) on the island, built to shelter 648 residents, rose dramatically in 2019 and 2020 the conditions…

Refugee Day. The one thing you can never get back: time

When we tell stories about displacement, asylum processes and claiming refuge we often focus on the process itself, the violence of borders, the conditions in camps, the numbers of people who find themselves stuck waiting for a decision. The reason…

Samos marches for peace and solidarity

Over the last 5 years the Greek island of Samos has become synonymous with the struggles faced by displaced people. With the fight against encampment, against limited access to food, to healthcare and to education. It is an island with…

Samos, Nicolò Govoni’s trial for use of fireworks postponed

The allegation refers to events that occurred the 6th of August, 2019 at a party at the Mazì education center. Still I Rise: “We have condemned the human rights violations on this island for years: the reasoning behind this trial…

Morocco uses migration to win economic improvements and support from Europe in the Western Sahara conflict

In the early hours of Monday morning, 17 May, dozens of Moroccans, who ended up numbering around 8,000, began to enter Ceuta, the Spanish enclave city on Moroccan Territory. They did so by swimming, crossing the Tarajal and Benzú spurs…

Unaccompanied children at the gates of Europe. A report from Samos

Refugee Rights Europe and Still I Rise published a new report about the current situation of UAMs on the island of Samos, Greece What is the real situation of unaccompanied minors on the island of Samos, Greece? Refugee Rights Europe…

Reimagining Education with Imagination

By Yasmine Sherif – Yasmine Sherif, Director of Education Cannot Wait To achieve SDG4 on quality inclusive education, we must prioritize mental health The month of May marks mental health awareness month or mental health awareness week in several countries…

Europe: Redouble Efforts to End Violence Against Women

Mark Istanbul Convention’s 10th Anniversary with Action Council of Europe member states should reinforce efforts to combat violence against women by swiftly ratifying and carrying out a landmark regional convention on women’s rights, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights…

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