
Humanism and Spirituality

Humanism in India

Book Release by Mrs. Vasanti Kachhi – Principal Bhawavn College-, Dr. Manu Kothari – Dean, KEM Hospital, Encology Dept.-, Author Fernando Garcia and Dr. Poddar – Radical Humanist — at Mumbai, 16 January 2014.

Why people travel from all over the world for an encounter of Silo’s Message in Punta de Vacas

A remote outpost on the foothills of Mount Aconcagua, the highest mountain of the Andes Range near the Argentinean/Chilean border has been for several years, at the beginning of January, the site for an encounter of Silo’s Message, attended by…

Hong Kong: Saddhaloka Bhikku, “the German monk”

Obituary Saddhaloka Bhikku, “the German Monk” – called ‘Thay Tay Duc’, the master from West Germany by the local Vietnamese, was laid to rest January 5, 2014 in Hong Kong. The ceremonials initially took place at the Hung Hom Funereal…

Book Review: Coffee with Silo and the Quest for Meaning in Life

A book by Pressenza co-director and first time author, Tony Robinson, has recently been published in Hungary.  It’s an autobiographical work which charts the author’s experiences as an activist in the Humanist Movement over 20 years but spans from his…

Symposium “From Einstein to Magritte: beyond our truths”

On December 7 and 8 2013 the Centers for Humanist Studies of Paris and Brussels were very pleased to organise their first Symposium in the beautiful settings of the Park of Study and Reflection La Belle Idée, France. It was…

Nelson Mandela: the revolutionary humanist who gifted humanity with hope

The world has witnessed the departure of Nelson Mandela, on 5 December 2013. The death of Mandela, a humanist, a freedom fighter, a leader, is a great loss for the entire world. His life, his struggle for a better South…

Philippines – cresting the waves of a human tsunami

A huge wave of helping activity is now forming across the world, at its peak in the Philippines, but tumbling over in all countries where Filipino overseas workers are housed and where ex-patriot Filipinos live, also in countries wanting to…

From Einstein to Magritte : Beyond our truths. Symposium of Center of Humanists Studies in Paris and Brussels

Throughout history, humankind has always taken its destiny into their hands determined to discover the secrets of the universe. Today, perhaps more than ever, such sustained effort coincides with rapid global change, causing much disorientation but also opening new horizons.…

The voice of a new sensibility speaking loud and clear. Russell Brand going viral

For a while it was difficult to understand his success. The bad mouthed ex-junkie speaking faster than one could follow his thoughts did not have a very wide appeal but a niche audience kept up, and suddenly he has become…

Colonialism and suicide. Economic, psychological, social and spiritual Reparation

Colonialism has been exercised by many ancient peoples such as Hittites, Incas, Greeks and Romans prior to European awareness of the existence of the Americas (aka “The Discovery of America”) but the massive imperialistic drive by European countries had no…

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