
Humanism and Spirituality

Italy: path of spiritual inspiration for modern times

  This new initiative consists of a walking trail starting from Grotte Santo Stefano to the recently inaugurated Park of Study and Reflection, Attigliano, and leads pilgrims through the beauties of Italy’s natural scenery in its rolling countryside following a…

Celebration on The Mountain

This event detailed below from the pen of long time activist and friend of Silo is of particular relevance to Pressenza as an international press agency because this agency was founded by members of the Humanist Movement whose origins are…

Enheduanna – the first author known by name

On the occasion of international womens day, pressenza presents an article about the first known female writer. This article was published by LEBENSWELT – Centre for Humanist Studies: En-hedu-Ana was revered as the most important religious figure of her day.…

From Akhenaton to Pope Francis: the meaning of true and enduring change

Following previous references to the Pressenza article on the Akhenaton Syndrome (that explains that often what follows to the death of an enthusiastic reformer is a return to the previous stage, sometimes to an ever worse state of affairs) it…

Conflicting Intentions

  Freedom of access to information is sometimes almost as overwhelming as the censorship, limitations to expression or deformation and silencing by the powers that be to which we are accustomed. Or the power of certain media. When I say,…

Rafael Correa: “This is a humanist model but with the feet firmly on the ground”

By Nelsy Lizarazo for Pressenza Ecuador – President Correa Press Conference. With these words, President Rafael Correa responded to today’s question by Pressenza IPA during the press conference held with members of the foreign press. The question revolved around the…

Humanism in India

Book Release by Mrs. Vasanti Kachhi – Principal Bhawavn College-, Dr. Manu Kothari – Dean, KEM Hospital, Encology Dept.-, Author Fernando Garcia and Dr. Poddar – Radical Humanist — at Mumbai, 16 January 2014.

Why people travel from all over the world for an encounter of Silo’s Message in Punta de Vacas

A remote outpost on the foothills of Mount Aconcagua, the highest mountain of the Andes Range near the Argentinean/Chilean border has been for several years, at the beginning of January, the site for an encounter of Silo’s Message, attended by…

Hong Kong: Saddhaloka Bhikku, “the German monk”

Obituary Saddhaloka Bhikku, “the German Monk” – called ‘Thay Tay Duc’, the master from West Germany by the local Vietnamese, was laid to rest January 5, 2014 in Hong Kong. The ceremonials initially took place at the Hung Hom Funereal…

Book Review: Coffee with Silo and the Quest for Meaning in Life

A book by Pressenza co-director and first time author, Tony Robinson, has recently been published in Hungary.  It’s an autobiographical work which charts the author’s experiences as an activist in the Humanist Movement over 20 years but spans from his…

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