
Humanism and Spirituality

The battle between neoliberal and democratic values

A delegation of Humanists was recently invited to Greece in order to give two presentations at the TEDx event in Anogeia on the island of Crete, they also participated in meetings with members of the Greek national and local government. …

A chat with Kurt Heyl on The Presocratics and some more

Here we publish the inteview done by Jorge Huneeus to Kurt Heyl, on The Presocratics and much more…

Tomás Hirsch: Leap over Fear

We reproduce here Tomás Hirsch’s chat for TED-X Anogeia, in Crete, Greece, on August 8, 2015: “Hello everyone. I feel profoundly moved on sharing with you this experience in this sacred place. I’m one of the spokespersons for Universalist Humanism,…

“Christmas in July” in Absurdityville, USA

“It is Christmas in July!”[1] So, the boob-tube informs me every time I try to momentarily escape the real and surreal horrors of MSM news, alternative news, Internet news, news from the universe. I seek a morsel of sustenance; a…

The Monster, Europe, Greece and the Retreat

The Principle of Opportune Action (Greek translation below) In the referendum on the 5th of July 62% of the Greek people who voted, voted “no”; no to the austerity terms proposed by the Troika at the time. When questioned if…

Toxic bonds of mass destruction vs tools for a non-violent revolution

The bet (Greek translation below) Two things have puzzled me in recent years but also in recent days. Firstly, why is no one talking clearly about a possible Grexit? We keep on hearing about the catastrophe that Grexit will lead…

The humanitarian miracle in Hungary’s train stations

Migration to Europe is a phenomenon increasingly in the news: boats are capsizing in the Mediterranean, migrants have brought the Channel Tunnel to a halt, walls are being proposed to divide nations, and essentially Europe is unable to give a…

Cruelty begets more cruelty, and it can only be eliminated through compassion and solidarity

The Troika has been cruel on Greece, and in spite of the resounding NO, OXI, NEIN, of the people, the controlled implosion of the country, planned every now and then to allow Big Capital to grab more assets, including human…

You don’t kill people!

The phrase, “you don’t kill people,” Silo said to us once in an informal dinner, when the conversation was about the atrocities caused by military dictatorships in South America and in the hypothetical case that someone could meet an ex-torturer…

The smallest art on the planet

British micro-artist, Graham Short, aged 68, has worked as the Royal engraver since 1974. His one-man business supplies Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Balmoral and Sandringham with their hand engraved stationery. Several years ago he found fame by carving the Christian…

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